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Show HOW DOPE YOUR Our Paotingfu Congregational Church membership lias CHURCH COEPARE? increased Just 7^ %n two years. If you can seat that record., re will take off our kats ana kotow to you, thus signifying C^r? respect; on two continents. The chare b?low may be of some interest. OPE DECADE OP CHURCH HEaBlHEHIP, PAOTIITSFU 1914 mmm «?65 191o •»*»*»***•«M***»*»**•«*«»••*•«• 3 4 6 1 0 1 6 *-.-.- - •- 954 10] 7 m*+-f»m < ---- • «.~~#-l 124 19ig „.__, , .»* 1S07 1010 **~ mm,m,*±nmmmm*mm**1*\ ~ «* ^-*--"~1500 1921 *-.*..-.«»•-* •• 144-2 (ffote: ~198C^1 was the year following the great famine.) In addition to 403 new members in 3.923, another 605 •cook the second step in church membership, that is, were admrcueo on probation-! but not baptizfed. These give promise for a still setter, year in 1004, if they" are no% all drowned. A glance at the curve of increase will show .that we are yathoriry momentum as we go, ' hany of our readers will be amorc those who have helped to make possible this•advance. i0 ',; n •• « »: if u n li WHO SATS EG 2RUB LOVE The aprealiry, letter printed below, with only AMOHG TIP: CHIFESE? the names changed, shud prove boyong doubt that romantic love as found among the Chinese has the earmarks of being the same disease wherewith foreigners .are occasionally afflicted. \y dear llr* Tall!- 1 write you this letter because 1 wish to marry thie siinner. I en well aware tfiai miss Uoon ought to serve in our mother church for four years.. Because we both - diss d.oon anc. I - were educated by the church cxA. trained by pour kindness and I often think that all o-: $m* knowledge, iearnin; , eyperiancc and ability were eiveti bv roiy kindness* he both have such \ood places to serve, certain. I- these were given by your kindness, Surely, v?e have ertrene grate-fulness in OUT minds and hearts. I wish you, • however, to hnow that I m in dificulty nor", because I have no hone here. I have stayed in the Association constant!". I hove no place to go for talking and playing, because I have no friends and relatives here- I ma living a solitary life in a «*llent room behind our Association. I make ay food myself every day. And I cannot take my meals at a fired time, sometimes I take one meal a day if I am too busy. And also I cannot at a fined time go to bed at night and get up in the morning. I think, moreover; AI&B door must be in same difioult^as 1 pmu Indeed• any one cannot do well if one has no happiness/' And the Association also belongs to Ood. So I beg of you to be kind 'enough and promide that the weeding ceremony may take place* Very s i no e r e11 • your s, W#ra you ever in. such a "dificulty" gentle roeueip. -y> ? *» Q • m O •*. © ** o - 0 *• o «* |