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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> OSCAR GROSHELL, President, <br> C. A. EMISE, Sec. and Treas. <br> SALT LAKE CYCLE CO. <br> Cleveland, Union, Sterling and Lu-Mi-Num Bicycles. <br> Smith-Premier Type Writers. <br><br> Nine years of cycling experience teaches me to say that a dominie can make no better investment than a bicycles. Rev. Ensenwein, Pa. <br> Cycling secures to the rider fresh air as well as muscular exercise, both of which are important to men of sedentary habits and especially to those whose work is principally performed by the nervous system. David J. Hill, L. L. Rochester N. Y. <br> I have never found any form of exercise so beneficial to our taxed nerves as a modern pneumatic bicycle. Rev. Luther Freeman, Millord, Mass. <br><br> Bicycles and Type-Writers Bought, Sold, Exchanged, Bended and Repaired. Our Pride, "The Lady Cleveland." 1894 line now on exhibition. <br> 219-221 MAIN St. WASATCH BLOCK. Salt Lake Cycle Co. <br><br><br> Don't Be a Ready Made man <br> Remember <br> Plymouth Rock Prices <br> Pants to Order <br> $3.5O AND UP. <br> Suits to Order <br> $13.50 AND UP. <br> Old and Reliable <br> Plymouth Rock Pants Co. <br> 41 W. Second So. <br> Salt Lake City, Utah. <br> [Agents] Wanted. <br><br><br> The Shortest and Fastest line to all points east. Only 23 hours to Denver. Only 32 hours to the Missouri river. Only 48 hours to Chicago, <br> The Union Pacific is the authorized line for United States mails. Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without change. <br> The only line to Portland and all Puget Sound points. <br> The only Dining Car line from Salt Lake City. - D. E. BURLEY, <br> E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Agent Pass Dept. <br> Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent. <br> E. DICKINSON, General Manager. <br> City Ticket office, 201 Main Street. <br><br><br> The Denver and Rio Grande R'y. <br> Scenic Line of the World, <br> The only line running two through fast trains Daily to DENVER, PURBLO and COLORADO SPRINGS. Through Pullman and Tourist sleepers. Close connections made for all points east with the Fast Flyers via. the Burlington, the Rock Island and the Missouri Pacific railways. The equipment is elegant, new and comfortable, surpassing that of all others. The Scenery on the Denver and Rio Grande Railway is the Grandest and most beautiful in all the world. <br> A. S. HUGHES, Traffic Manager, General Agent <br> S. K. HOOPER, Gen. Pass and T. Ag't. <br> Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br><br> R. Stenzel & Co. <br> Manufacturers of <br> FINE FURS. <br> 270 So. Main <br> We manufacture all kinds of <br> Fur Garments, <br> Fur Trimming, and <br> Fur Rugs. <br> Repairing done in the best of manner and on short notice. Our workmen are the best in the west. <br><br><br> Hats! Hats! Hats , <br> STIFF AND SOFT HATS made to order A1 grade at half retail prices. Hats Dyed, Repaired and blocked in the latest style. <br> Wm. Pow. <br> 69 West First South. <br><br><br> Wasatch - Hotel, <br> (Under New Management.) <br> COR. 2d. SOUTH & MAIN. <br> Steam Heat, Electric Light. <br> Elevator Day and Night. <br> Everything First Class. <br> Prices to suit the times. <br> Mrs. M. R. VanGilder, Proprietor <br> Office Room 48 |
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Freeman, Luther; Groshell, Oscar; Hill, David J. ; Pow, William; Burley, D. E. ; Dickinson, E. ; Emise, C. A. ; Ensenwien (Rev.) ; Hooper, S. K. ; Hughes, A. S. ; Lomax, E. L. ; VanGilder, M. F. (Mrs.) |