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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br> 11 <br> "A plan is under consideration to build another tabernacle in Brooklyn to bear the name of Talmage and to cost $300,000. The plan is to build on the site of the last tabernacle, which, like the two similar structures which preceded it, was burned on Sabbath after the morning services. <br><br> Australia has been favored this year with extraordinary evangelistic helpers, Gipsy Smith, Dr. Cook, De Witt Talmage and John McNeil having in turn made the tour of its chief cities, each one attracting as great crowds as though no pioneer had ever proceeded him [to] prepare the way. <br><br> "Rev. William G. Puddefoot says: 'It costs $50,000,000 a year to run the churches, $400,000,000 to run the jails. We pay eight times as much for running our fellow men down and jailing them as we do in trying to make them better so that they will not need the jail. It takes the world a long time to find out that men are not made better by force.'" <br><br><br> HAVE YOU SEEN IT? <br> Have you heard it? The Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo attachment used only in the Everett Piano. It is the greatest invention of the age! This wonderful attachment, combined with the many other beautiful qualities found in the Everett, make it the most desirable and most complete piano manufactured in the world. Its effects are simply wonderful. Imagine a full string band with piano accompaniment. This wonderful attachment is controlled by the use of the third, pedal, and does not affect the beautiful touch found in the French repeating action always found in the Everett Pianos. Call and see this the greatest piano in the world. <br> Now on exhibition and for sale at the Temple of Music only, 208 S. West Temple street, post office block. Catalogues and price sent on application. <br><br><br> Mama, let me go to McDonald's to order groceries; they always treat children with kindness and candy. 268 and 270 Main street. <br><br><br> For New Books, <br> Latest Periodicals, <br> Fine Stationery, <br> Call at <br> The Salt Lake News Co., 77 W. 2d So. St. <br><br><br> Best quality. All Kinds. Sacked or Loose. <br> Prompt Delivery. In Sacks, 1/4s, 1/2s, Tons. <br><br> "STATE OF UTAH" <br> Coal Office, <br> 229 Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> Your Orders Solicited. Give us a trial. Kindling Wood in Sacks. <br><br><br> COHN DRY GOODS COMPANY, <br> The steady Trade we are doing is the result of judicious buying and very close selling. No space for long speeches. Call and be convinced. <br><br> Dress Goods. <br> 34 inch Snow flake suiting in very desirable winter colors at......12 1/2 yd. <br> 27 inch wool Storm Serge in all the leading dark colors, regularly sold at 25c, deducted to.........15c yd. <br> 45 inch all wool Serges in five leading colors, made to sell at 65c, reduced to..................45c yd <br> 38 inch all Wool Fancy dress goods, new and stylish was 50c, reduced to..................40c yd. <br> 54 inch all Wool Covert cloth, in all the leading colors, was $1.25, reduced to..................85c yd. <br> 54 inch all Wool Black Storm Serge was $1.00, now reduced to....................70c yd. <br><br> Handkerchief's. <br> A large stock of fresh new goods has just been placed on sale, all very much under regular prices, for men, women and children. Prices from 5c, up to $3.00 a piece. <br> And Christmas comes only five weeks away. <br> No handsomer gift than a half dozen handkerchiefs; select them now. <br> Don't fail to examine this important stock of handkerchiefs, they include both rare novelties and great bargains. <br><br> Gloves. <br> Now is the time to provide the children with mittens. We have them in every kind, size and style, from lOc up. <br> Ladies' double wool mittens extra value. 20, 25 and 35c a pair. <br> Kid Gloves, Ladies' 5 hook Foster Lacing, all colors, at......75c |