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Show 16 <br> THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> We Know That You Eat! <br> AND ALSO KNOW AS WELL THAT WHEN YOU EAT........ <br> GROCERIES <br> Purchased from us that you are sure to eat the best there is to eat. Why not eat the best? They cost no more; we think, LESS. <br> Prompt Delivery. Lowest Prices. Fresh Goods, and Always Guaranteed, <br> Henderson, Cash Grocer, <br> 267-269 Main Street. <br><br> A. T. WEBB, <br> -DEALER IN- <br> FAMILY GROCERIES. <br> Anything in the Grocery line at lowest prices. Call and see us. <br> 380 SOUTH 4TH EAST. <br><br> St. Paul Palace Restaurant <br> 108 W. First South Street, <br> HOME COOKING <br> Everything Neat, Clean, Cheap and First Class. <br> Meals 15 cants and Upwards. Short Orders at all hours. Breakfast 6 to 9. Lunch 11:45 to 3 Dinner 5 to 8. <br> GIVE US A TRIAL. <br> Mrs. R. H. Walker, <br> [Proprietress] <br><br> Strong Bros. Co., <br> -DEALERS IN- <br> General :-: Merchandise, <br> Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausage, Smoked Meats and Poultry. <br> Orders called for and delivered promptly. | No. 813 East 4th South Street. <br><br> Stinger's Bakery <br> Received First Prize on bread at the Territorial Fair. Try his Cream Bread. <br> LEAVE ORDERS AT 472 E. 2ND SO. <br><br> P. F. OYLER, <br> DEALER IN <br> OIL AND GASOLINE. <br> P. O. Box 217. <br> Send Postal. Mail orders promptly filled. <br><br> If you want painting, paper cleaning or hanging, Kalsomining glazing, etc. call at 28 E. 3d So. or drop a card to Gertz & Lucas and they will call and give you prices. <br><br> Goods sold on the installment plan at Webber's, 211 State. <br><br> Shipler the photographer is surpassing himself on beautiful Satin Finish Photos. If you intend to have any work done before the holidays, go now and avoid the rush. <br><br> SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 29, 1894. <br> Messrs Hewlett Bros. Gentlemen. -I have tasted your "Three Crown Baking Powder," and find it equal to any in the market. I cheerfully recommend it as a Home Product not excelled by anything imported. Very respectfully, Hannah McCornick, President of the Home Industry Association of Utah. <br><br> Fresh Cakes, Pies, Bread, Crullers, etc., at Keely. Best in the city. Try them. 266 South Main Street. <br><br> I have opened a new and complete stock of <br> Fancy Groceries, <br> Fruits and vegetables, Canned and Bottled goods imported and domestic. Fine Teas and Coffees are a specialty. Agent for Chase and Sanborn's Celebrated Coffees and Teas. Call and get prices. No trouble to show goods. <br> I want a portion of your patronage. <br> L. E. HAY, <br> C. O. D. GROCER. <br> Telephone No. 309. 61 E. Second South. <br><br> FREE COINAGE <br> Oyster and Chop House <br> Regular Dinners at 15c and up. Also good meals on short orders at all hours for 15c and up. <br> Everything clean, well cooked and first class. No stale meats or vegetables used here. The large crowds of respectable people who eat with us is our best recommendation. Remember the place and give us a trial. 55 W. 2d So. <br><br> The Model Tailoring Company, <br> Offices and works <br> 109 So. West Temple Street. <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> Cleaning, Dying, Repairing. <br> All work executed with promptness, neatness, and at reasonable prices. <br> Work called for and delivered. We guarantee perfect satisfaction. <br><br> Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company, <br> Salt Lake City. <br> 5 per cent paid on Deposits. Insure Titles. Make Abstracts. Loans Money <br> J. E. DOOLY President <br> W. H. MoCORNICK, Vice President <br> A. L. THOMAS, Secretary <br><br> SHANG HAI & CO'S BAZAR, <br> 277 Main St. <br> Chinese and Japanese Ornamental and Fancy Goods. <br> All kinds of Chinese and Japanese Teas. <br> All new styles of Chinese __ and China Wares. <br> All Kinds of Bamboo Goods. <br><br> Dr. A. B. PEAK, DENTIST. <br> 22 and 24 E. First So. St. |