Show INFINITE VARIETY The synonym for continuraorph theory. LIVING SPACE Places which are not continumorphic are not habitable. LOOK LIKE Architects talk about buildings looking like this or that thing. This kind of talk is the sure clue that architecture has no model. If architecture had a discipline there would be no question beyond contiumorphic space. We don't know know what buildings should look like so we continually wonder about what they do look like. In the present epistemological vacuum it>is no wonder buildings look like any number of things. A boat an airplane a train a this or that. MATCH TEST Two leaves of the same tree never match proving the infinite varity of nature. Place one on top of each other. MICRO SPACE A continumorph. MODEL Nature. MODES The assembly of a complete space takes continumorphs functioning in ten modes to make it habitable. Long bent continumorphs are warps or in archaic terminology beams for example. MORPH Form. A polyhedron short for continumorph. MORPHOLOGY The study of form in this case the study of continumorph mechanics. MUTUALISTIC PROXIMITY The proper distance between continumorphs in the mechanics of a complete correct space. NATURAL SPACIAL ORDER Nature. NATURALISTIC HYPOCRISY The dualism between man and nature. The trees next to the house constitute a contridiction betwee abstraction and infinite variety. NATURE Infinite variety. Space. Environment. -99- |