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Show RM3IA BOARD OF DIRECfORS MEEI'nm Boomeran.g Lodge - Al'lpen, Colo. January lit 1968 NOTE: If>C indioates "moved, soconded, & oarried" The meeting was oalled to ord'9!" at 8:00 p~lll" by president, Charles Paterson.. Board members present Were: Jerry Muth, Theo HOl)sburger, Jim IIJham, Jim Riley, Bud Nar.Qlt, and Steen Gantzel. Ot.her ro:sIA nmmbers present were: E:.d,I:'Jh l;Jjndisoh, Certifioaticm Vioe President, Mark Addison, Communications Vice Pr0s~, Ed LJcks and Dave Sanctuar,y. 1. MSC (J.Muth, J.Isham) TO: Dispense with the reading of the November meeting minutes and to approve them as sent out to the membershipQ" 2. The president gave a brief report on the 1967 Al'lnual Neeting & Seminar and there was some discussion following regarding the meetjngs in general. Tha Executive Se~. reporten that there were a total of 132 in attendance at the Annual Heating & Seminar and that total receipts were $562.00 less expenses of $353.00, leaving a net income of $209~00. 3. Jim Riley reported on the IDBAOA (Area Operators) meeting that he attended as Rl1>IA representative. The main subject of difJo'l.lssj.c.i:\ at the meeting was the new Forest Servioe use fee which iG to be chargr,i :>.:>:'O:;-,S en Fc:r",)5:t Sorvice land. Also noted was the problem of instru,-nOl~S & ;'lther PbJ'~,o:'lnal testifying as expert witnesses in o011rt oases. After disoussion, it waf' rf{:c (J,'2.:\'lc~y ,D ,)Vi'J.To]:t.) THAT: "Prior to a ski instruotor testifytng as an exp0rt ~~tr~:");""s &.t a OOU~'l, t:,~:t':tl, he request and be served with a subpoena." 4. Jerry Muth acoepted the ilpp'):i..nt;r!lQnt by tho proci'i'::mt as Technioal Coordinating Committee ohairma,n. Bud Marolt accepted the s.ppoirrcrrl€'nt by tho pras:ici.:m.t as Ski School Director Corr~ittee chairman. 5.. INTEFSKI a) It was reported that a $500.00 advanoe payment had baen made to Interski as a partial payment of the illllSIA o ommit.t.ment. il8 :-eq'l%t by a letter from Interaki Treasurer, Hank Emel~Y. (The BOD h~d c1:r:~)"~':)v"J('i t.h:Ls p-'""j'1llcnt by mail ballot) A Certificate from the Interski C-::'TIlIl'~;_tt:;", "c<J~:i~_CI1 waG received in aoknowledgement of the $500.00 payment, "'1'a8 shown to BO:':Td nor,:h"'lrs }):::'i;;S911.t. b) A report wo.s given on the selection of t.Zle R~-5SIA De1'"1QnGtration Team.. Hembers chosen were: Betsy Glello.,., la.vslla Sa-ier, Bill Du.cldy r Craig Jacob:1.e, Ken Oakes, and Scooter LaCouter. 16 membe~s tried out for the team and tho G(~Qring ~Ul..S done by Robert Albouy, Curt Chase & }1a~-= D~rcUl11.. In addJtio:1 t,? th':)~a judc;ol'3) the oandidates themselves were acked to 5001"9 the top six ot.her than tlhltnsol\,€)s .. 00 CLINIC a) MSC (S ,.Gantzel, T .11oosburger )TO;IIApPl'ove Clintc exouse request from Trevor Thoma!:> b) !ViSe (S.Gantzel?B .. l/lar·olt.)'I'H.tI.T:"SJ.nce there l:":~,ll be a regtstration charge made by PSIA for L""lterski, no addttiol'.3.1 :registratJon fee v.T111 be made to RM>IA. meMbers attcndj.ng the 1968 In+.erski for clinic cred.ito The regular $3.,00 Clinio regist.ration fee will be charged at the Southern Distriot Clinio in 1'8.005." 0) RM3IA reg:tstered B.pprentioe instructors are eligible to atte:l1d Int.erski S.F, guests and pay the guest registration fee. Rr-BIA B .O.D. 1'1EEl'ING Aspen, Colo. Jan. II, 1968 Page Two 6~ CI~TNIC (continued) d) The Executive Secy. was asked to write to Chilton Anderson to reaffirm that Arnie IVfarthinson r s"Handicapped" Clinic will be incorporated in the Southern District Clinic on April 1st & 2nd, 1968. e) Since it is very diffioult for some members to attend the required Annual Spring Clinics for credit due to Trade Shows etc., it was lXBC: (J.Riley, S.Gantzel) THAT:"Any active member unable to comply with the annual clinic requirements, may upon written application to, and approval of the B.O.D., participate in the Annual Fall meeting in lieu thereof and reoeive equivalent credit." 7. EXAM a) Certification V.P., Erich Windisch, reported on the results of the January Supplemental Exam. Out of an eligible 81 candidates, 44 were examined. 35 for Stage I - 25 passed and 5 passed one more phase of Stage I 9 for Stage II - 8 passed. b) Erich suggested the possible use of slides for error correction as part of the teaching phase in future ex~ms. c) M3C (S .Gantzel,B .Marolt) THAT :ItTho Ccrt~.flcc.t:ton Vice President may choose the examiners he wishes to use fro~ a list of epproved examiners. This list to be reviewed annually by the BOD. It d) r'BC (J .Riley,J .Nuth) THAT : 11 ExarJ.iners w~ll ro longer be indicated on the membership list." e) After discussion of past and possible fL;.ture complaints regarding the oertification exams, it was l£Cz (.:: ~Gmlt<:;0l,J "Muth) THAT: 11The Board of Directors will continue to sel~va <:.:-; a rfYTlimdng connnittee for any exam complaints" f) Six apprentice exaniners are to be fl01oClt-:Jo. for the 1968 exams. Three were selected at the 1/11/63 meeting and three will be selected at the 3/7/68 BOD meeting. Those who were selected are: ~ia .. ~k Addison, Dave Sanctuary, and Carl Sverre. 3. TRANSFER REQUESTS OF ASSOCIATE INSTRUCTORS FROM orHER DIVISIONS After discussion and the reading of letters received from other Divisions regarding their policy on accepting Associate Inotl"uctoY' tl'ansfors, it was M3C (S.Gantzel,J.Riley)TO:ll.Abide with the 1968 Cbrtification Policy requirements." NorE: The 1968 Certification Policy does not permit Associates to transfer to Rr£IA, however, they are allowed to bec~me Registered Instructors and as an Associate from another Division, are allowed to take either Stage I or Stage II exam, whichever is their choice. 9. INAcrIVE MEMBERSHIP REQUESTS a) M3C (S.Gantzel,B.~1arolt) TO:"Approve request by Herbert i'1onat." b) MSC (S.G::mtzel,J.Ishnm) TO:"Approve request by J:l.c:J. Todd." 10. A letter of resignation from Gretchen Webster was read and accepted by the Board. ·a. A proposed By-Law Amondment to Article II was read by Mark Addison regarding a "Leave of Absence for members in the Armed Forces"o After discussion, it was lV.BC (S.Gantzel. J. M"uth) TO:"Table further action on this until the March meeting." J2. A letter from Charles NcDonald regarding "Suggestions for Strengthening the Professional Ski Instructors Program" was discussed. Copies are to be made and sent to all Board members for future information. RMS IA B. O.D. BEEI'ING Aspen, Colo. Jan. llt 1968 Page Three 13. Acting on suggestions from m<BIA members, it was rsc (J • Nuth , J. Isham) THAT: "Cards will be mailed to all current registered ~PPTe~tice instructors annually when they pay their registration fee. This card is to state that they are Registered Apprentice Instructors of RMSIA for the year as indicated." 14. A sample "miSIA Plaque" was shown to the Board. This type plaque is to be used for special awards;itje, lfasters Slalom, Past Presidents, etc. ~,'SC (J.Isham, J.luth) TO: Have plaques made up with the RH3IA large pin and appropriate engraving on ~etal plate. These plaques to be purchaBed whenever the need arises." 15. A letter was rea.d from the Ht. I'Jemer Ski School Director, Skeeter ltJerner, offering the Mt. ltlerner facilities to m'BIA for its 1969 Spring exam and Colorado Clinic. The Board gratefully accepted the offer and will consider it further at a later date. 16. MSC (S.Gantzel, J.Muth) TO:"Approve payment of bill for expenses submitted by Mark Addison," 17. Jim Isham, represe'nting a group of F:1v53~Il, r:€lmbQ:~s who had signed a petition, proposed that the orge.n1ze3:,ion :r-eturn to th0 ll:c1.rge" pin as the offioial RMSIA pin for all Stage I and Stage II me~b0rs8 Tho small lapel type pin is also to be available to Stage I a:.::.1 Stag'3 II mf3mber.;' ~ After discussion by the Board, the above was }lBC (J.Icham, JnEuth) 18. A Technical Coordinating Committe'? moeting will taka place "on the hill" at lfeadow lTountain Ski Area on Th\~;",sc1'\.y, l"Irt.!'o!l 7th, 1968 at 10:00a.m.. This will be to acquaint Ski School Dil"ectel:'::: ~ "x: ·t,hA::.l' representatives, examiners. and interested members with the pr:>pm.:' excolx\~i')l1 (llstrike zone") of Final Forms Demonstrations as requirod ir'. IDE IA Certification exams. Last year's meeting on the hill at Breckenridge was felt to be very successful. 19. The next B.O.D .. meeting will be at Vail on Thursday, Harch 7th, 1968. The meeting to begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Vail Ascociates Conference Room (located on the 3rd floor of the Lassiare Bldg.) This will be in the evenirlg fo]low:ing t,he Technical Coordinating Committee meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 a.m. IN MEMORIAM DORIS McNEILL Joined 1965 Rudi Schnacktmbe:rg, Executive Secy. P.O .. Box 4 Steamboat Springs, Colo. 80477 "Blessed be the Lord that hath given rest unto his people" I Kings 8:56 Died in January 1968 - -- RMSIA BOARD OF DIRECfORS MEEl'ING lassiere Bldg. - Vail, Colo. March 7, 1968 NorE: }lEC indicates "moved, seconded, & carried" The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by president, Charles Paterson. Bo~rd members present were: Jim Isham, Jerry Muth, steen Gantzel, Chilton Anderson, Jim Nelson, Hans Garger, Karl Schnaokenberg, Jim Riley, Theo Moosburger, & Bud Marolt. Other RMSIA members present were: Erich Windisch, Certifioation V.P., Mark Addison, Communioations V.P., Hank Emery, Don Welch, Dave Sanctuary, Manfred Tronnier, Polly Addison, Werner Illig, Fred Ammer, Jim Allen and Bob Mikulich. 1. mc (H.Garger,J.lsham) TO:"Dispense with the reading of the January meeting minutes and to approve them as sent out to the membership. 2. TECHNICAL COORDINATING COl'lNTITEE chairman. Jerry Muth, reported that there were J. 4. 6. 90 RMSIA members who attended the "on the hill" meeting at Meadow Mtn. earlier that day. It was felt that the meeting, to clarify the Final Finished Forms for the 1968 Cert1fication exams, was a great success. A summary of this meeting will be sent to all ski sohool directors to aid them in cl1nicing their exam candidates. (copies will also be available to members upon their request to the Exec- Secy.) A report was given by Don Welch on the newly formed American Ski Instructors Institute (PSII). After discussion, the Board felt that this program could prove to be a worthwhile means of training apprentioe instructors for RMS IA ski schools. It was MSC; (J.Isham, S.Gantzel) TO:"Give tentative Board approval to ASII to formulate its program further and when ready, to present the final planned program to the Board. APPRENTICE EXAMINERS: liSC: (J .Muth, J • Isham) TO:"select Bill laCouter and Bud Marolt to serve as apprentice examiners." This makes a total of five apprentioe examiners that will be used during the 1968 certification examinations. CUNIC EXCUSES a) MSC:(H.Garger,J.Riley) TO:"Approve 1967 Clinic excuse request from Anderl Molterer. b) MSC:(J.Muth,S .. Gantzel) TO:"Approve 1967 Clinic excuse request from Ja.ck Numbers c) }lEC: (S .Gantzel,B.I1arolt )TO;tlApprove 1968 Clinic excuse requests from Robert Albouy. Morrie Shepard, Viktor Weyand, & Gerry Martin INAcr IVE MEl'lBERSHIP REQUESTS: a) MSC: (S .Gantzel,J .VlUth)TO:I1Approve request by Harry Franzgen b) M3C: (S .Gantzel,J .Muth)TO:tlApprove request by Darryl Swaim MSC: (S .Gantzel,H.Garger )T 0: "Approve request for EMERTIUS MEMBERSHIP from Lewis Ferguson. 8. Letters of resignation from Sally Adams(O'Connor) & Jacques deLorimier were read and accepted by the Board. 9. NEW TRANSFER MEl-IDEPS: MSC (S.Gantzel.B.Marolt)TO:Approve transfer requests fromtSam McDonald (Eastern), Rolf Sandberg (Eastern), and Shirley Zech (Central) ',:.0. Letter and report. of Italian Instructors Clinic by Pat Pugh was presented to the Board. mc: (J.Muth.J .Riley)TO:"Approve Clinic oredit for Pat Pugh for her attendance and report of the Italian Clinio. 1I :n. A letter from Betty Jane Harbour was read regarding her experience with ski instruction for Handicapped ohildren. Her letter was given to Mark Add:tson to be used to help with the proposed RMSIA Handicapped program. ID£IA B.O.D. MEEI'ING Vail, Colo. Mtlrch 7, 1968 Page Two 12. Hank Emery reported on Interski progress. PSIA will ~end its members information on the program. Proxies sent by PSIA to members should be filled out and sent to RMSIA president, Charles Paterson - Box 253 - Aspen, Colo. 81611, even though you are planning to attend the PSIA meeting which is to be held in Aspen on April 27th, 1968. NorE: IF ALL PSIA 11E1',lBERS OF m!SIA HILL FILL IN THEIR PROXIES TO INDICATE CHARLES PATERSON AS THEIR DELEGATE FOR THEIR VorE, RM3IA WILL BE ABLE TO DO A Lor MORE TOWARD HAVING A "SAY" IN THE SErTING UP OF PSIA POLICIES. (last year with 68 Pl"OXY votes from our retSIA members, our organization had the largest block of votes at the PSIA convention) The Exeoutive Seoy. reported that an additional payment in the amount of $865.00 has been made to Interski (this, with the previous $500.00 payment, represents all assessments received to date) 13. CLINICS : Colorado: HSC: (S.Gantzel,K"Schnackenberg)THAT: m~IA member registration for clinic credit will be handled at the registration desk at the Aspen Alps. New Nexico: The Southern District Cl..inic will have the Handicapped Clinic set up for JvIonde.y, April -; .1..968 at Taos Ski Area. Arnie Marthinson & Dave Sanctuary will run this clinic. 14. It was brought to the Board f s attention that some ski areas do not accept a ID1SIA I.D. card with current dues sticker as sufficient reason for extending lift privileges to members. These areas will honor only Rooky Htn. Ski Area Operators t Assn. courtesy cards. Ski School Directors and Area Managers (ONLY) may obt.ain - these cards from ID-1SAOA office ... s':lite 214 - Equitable Bldg.-Denver, Colo .. 80202 15. A letter from Charles McDonald, Cheyenne, Wyo., and one from Bill Evans, Ft. Collin! were discussed (each Board member had a copy of each). These letters brought forth excellent ideas on the improvement of R¥SIA, particularly in the Registered Apprentice Instructor Program. MSC:(J.Riley,J.I~uth)THAT:"The president appoint a committee to work with these two men in formulating a better Apprentice Instructor program." Mark Addison of Boulder and Dave Sanctuary of Dillon volunteered and were appointed for this committee. (This committee of four to meet and present ideas to the B.O.D.) 16. lEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR 11El'iBERS IN ARHED FORCES: MSC: (J • Riley ,C.Anderson) THAT :f1Any active membor of Rl-!SIA on temporary duty with the Armed Forces of the USA, may apply to the B.O.D. for a waive of membership fees for such temporary duty period .. " 17. l~C:(J.Ri1ey,K.Schnaokenberg) TO:"Approve a $50.00 maximum expenditure for film made of Technical Coordinating Committee meeting on the hill at Meadow Ntn. This film to be used by RLSIA for training purposes. 18. A copy of the contract signed by RH'3IA demonstration teRm members for Interski was read. There being no further business t the meeting was adjourned at 11: 30p.m. Rudi Schnackenberg, Exec. Secy. P.O.Box 4 S'terunboa~ Springs. Colo. 80477 INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting March 26, 1968 Burley, Idaho The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by President, Lou Lorenz. Present were: John Harrington Lou Lorenz Bob Zeigler Woody Anderson Max Lundberg Kirby Dawson Bob Bybee Bill Haskins Phil Jones Absent were: Glenn Evans Dave Parkinson Jack Simpson Eugene Huber Don Rhinehart Keith Lange Guests were: Lex Kunau Clark Parkinson, Secretary Reading of minutes of last B.O.D. Meeting. MSC: That we approve minutes as mailed. (Zeigler-Anderson) President Lou Lorenz gave a short report outlining the activities of the Association since the last Board meeting, including his estimates of the Executive Secretary's position, Newsletter, and the Certification Program this season. (Appendix A attached.) MSC: To accept report as read. (Bybee-Anderson) Vice President was absent, therefore, no report was submitted. Clark Parkinson, Secretary, gave a short and concise report on his impressions of the experimental Executive Secretary's position and indicated that a more complete report would be submitted to the fall Board meeting when a full year would have been completed. (Appendix B attached.) MSC: To accept report as read. (Lundberg-Jones) Max Lundberg, Treasurer, gave a short report outlining the present financial condition and bank balance. As of his report, the bank balance was $3,160.00. He indicated that he and the Secretary would prepare a budget for submission to the Board at the fall Board meeting. MSC: To accept report as read. (Bybee-Anderson) Woody Anderson, the Certification Chairman, gave a report outlining the Certification P;rqgram r~sults as of March 24, which are as follows: 1. Exams - 10 2. Candidates - 92 3. Passed A. Full - 15 B. Associate - 27 C. Failed to qualify - 32 D. Associates who passed for Associate - 18 E. Percentage passed - 45% Woody, also as P.S.I.A. Technical Coordinating Chairman, gave a brief report on the committee, indicating that no activities had been undertaken during the year, because they were waiting for Interski. A more complete report will be delivered at the Fall Board meeting after 8th Interski. MSC: To accept the report as read. (Zeigler-Dawson) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes-Mar. 26, 1968 Page 2 Kirby Dawson, Ski School Directors Committee, gave a brief report and indicated that no meeting had taken place during the year and that he was going to attempt to put together one this summer. At the fall Board meeting, he would give a more complete rep~ort . MSC: To accept the report as read. (Jones-Haskins) Bob Zeigler, By-Laws Committee Chairman, read his report - _~See ~ppendix~ attached.) MSC: Report be approved and that Sections 2, 6, 9 and 11 be deferred until fall Board meeting. (Anderson-Lundberg) Phil Jones, Demonstration Team Coach, gave a brief report and indicated that the Demonstration Team had put on a Clinic recently at the Skyline Ski Area in Pocatello. MSC: To accept the report as read. (Lundberg-Zeigler) A special report was to be submitted at this Board meeting by Committee Chairman, Keith Lange, regarding the feasibility of eliminating mandatory Spring Clinics. Since this Board member was absent, the report was deferred to the fall Board meeting. OLD BUSINESS 1. Demonstration Team travel expenses. MSC: To provide for travel expenses for the Demonstration Team to Aspen for three automobiles roundtrip at the rate of $.07 a mile to a maximum of $202.86. (Bybee-Zeigler) 2. By-Laws MSC: That Sections 2, 6, and 11 be deferred for further study and submission to the Board at the November meeting. Section 11 discussion was help regarding the sentence in Section 11, "members in good standing in any of the Ski Instructors Divisions." MSC: Delete the above sentence and modify Section 11 of the By-Laws to read as follows: "In order to attain or regain a voting membership in this corporation, a person shall have passed the requirements for Associate Ski Instructor or Certified Ski Instructor as provided by the Certification Policy; and have paid the current ISlA dues and/or initiation fee as required by current policy." (Haskins-Anderson) 3. K. Smith's recommendation regarding a quorum at general meetings was tabled until the next Board meeting. (Haskins-Anderson) NEW BUSINESS I.S.I.A. Demonstration Team Subsidy Lou Lorenz outlined the 8th Interski's subsidy program and recommended that the I.S.I.A. provide an additional $3 per day subsidy for team members to be paid at the end of Interski in a lump sum on the condition that the team members live up to the contract signed through Interski and conduct themselves in such a manner that it would not discredit the Association. Questions were raised from the floor on the financial condition of the Association, and the Treasurer indicated that we had adequate funds to provide this subsidy. MSC: That we provide $3 per day per Demonstration Team member while at Aspen. (Zeigler-Dawson) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes-Mar. 26, 1968 Page 3 I.S.I.A. Representative at Interski Lou Lorenz indicated that P.S.I.A. has designated the Presidents and Certification Chairmen of each division as official delegates at the 8th Interski and that the members of the P.S.I.A. Technical Coordinating Committee would also be official delegates. He further indicated that, in the past, I.S.I.A. had sent the President and Certification Chairman to P.S.I.A. annual meetings. He suggested that the Board consider sending the President and Certification Chairman to 8th Interski as official representatives of the loS.I.A. MSC: That expenses of two representatives of the I.S.I.A. be provided for 8th Interski. (Bybee-Zeigler) Interski Movies MSC: That film be provided and used at the discretion of the I.S.I.A. Demonstration Team Coach at 8th lnterski and that this film would be processed and made available to the Association next year. Review of Membership Identification Card A discussion was held on the current I.S.I.A. Identification Card and whether it was being abused by the membership. MSC: That this discussion be tabled until the next Board meeting and that the Secretary will study the feasibility of a more definitive Identification Card. (AndersonLundberg) I.S.I.A. Newsletter Discussion was held regarding the cost and purpose of the Newsletter. Lou Lorenz asked the Board for authority to appoint a Newsletter Chairman to publish approximately four Newsletters in the next year. MSC: That we give the President the power to appoint a Newsletter Chairman and to publish four Newsletters next year. (Zeigler-Jones) Lou Lorenz appointed Dave Chaplin as newsletter chairman. Fall Seminar President Lou Lorenz asked the Board to designate the place and time of the next Fall Seminar and Board meeting. MSC: That the Fall Seminar and Board meeting be held on October 26 and 27 subject to final approval by the Executive Committee. (Lorenz-Zeigler) (Opposed: Harrington) Lou Lorenz appointed Bob Bybee Arrangement Chairman. M£G: That the Association pay the expenses of the B.O.D. at this Meeting. (Anderson-Jones) MSC: That $50 be given to the Treasurer for a vote of thanks for his service up to last year's Fall Board Meeting. (Zeigler-Bybee) MSC: Meeting be adjourned. (Anderson-Lorenz) Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Clark T. Parkinson, Secretary Date A~~rd of Director', Lou Lorenz, P~ Date Page 4 Appendix A- President's Report, Mar. 26, 1968 B.O.D. Meeting This is a report of progress in the fields that appeared weak at the Fall 1967 Seminar: 1. Communication 2. Promotion 3. Training 1. Communication By consolidating the clerical functions of the Treasurer, Certification Chairman, .and Secretary in one central office, the entire Association function has become smoother and faster. The member's questions are answered more accurately. The primary benefit has been the efficient manner in which examination applications have been scheduled and new memberships processed. It is my opinion that this procedure should be continued until the officers involved can present an accurate summary of a full years activity. The Executive Committee dediced to publish an Association Newsletter on an experimental basis. To date, two issues have been distributed, have provided facts and figures as to cost and benefits, as well as, experience to the individuals involved. If the publication can obtain better Association wide cooperation, I believe it could be a valuable tool for internal communication. 2. Promotion The area of promotion both to the public and to the Association members is one that needs more planning. The Newsletter should be beneficial in promoting the Association to its members. The Publicity Committee designed an attractive poster, which you all have and display. These merely touch the surface of what should be done. 3. Training Association planned instructor training is a difficult area to approach. Each individual seems to have a different need, or at least a different request, of the Association. During the past season, several sponsored clinics were arranged, but the total number of people attending was proportionately small. Many different ideas have been voiced on this subject, but the first important dedesion should be to what degree and in what areas should the Association participate in instructor training. This decision should be made jointly by the various committees involved. More detailed reports on the above subjects will be presented by officers and committee chairmen. The Association is aware of its problems, and the Board of Directors will continue to try to solve them as the entire organization continues to grow. For the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the Secretary, Treasurer, and Certification Chairman for their cooperation this season and congratulate them on a job well done. Respectfully submitted, Lou Lorenz, President Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Page 5 Appendix B - Secretary's Interim Report - Mar. 26, 1968 BOD Meeting After 5 months experience with the new "Executive Secretary's" position, I can draw the following conclusions: 1. Consolidation of the Secretary's and Treasurer's, Certification and Clinic functions has resulted in a more efficient and expedient method of handling Association business. 2. With this consolidation has come a tremendous amount of paper work and administrative detail. 3. The renumeration set down in the last B.O.D. meeting is, with two exceptions, adequate to cover the cost. Namely, processing "new members" and "clinic applications" require a great deal of time and paper work, which is currently not being considered under the present "experimental" basis. 4. The Certification program this season has run exceptionally well due to a central "clearing house" for processing applications, coordinating exam schedules, and relaying results to the candidates. The paper work, however, is tremendous and should be modified next season. In summary, it seems, at this juncture, that the Executive Secretary's position has and will in the future provide the Association with a valuable instrument for administering its business on a much more efficient and businesslike basis than in the past, provided that a capable individual is selected for the job and he has at his disposal a secretary or helper who can do the day-to-day routine work required. A more complete analysis will be made after the full year has evolved. As yet, a full "Spring Clinic" hasn't been held, and a "Membership Billing" has not been made. At the Fall Board meeting, my report will contain specific recommendations and a complete analysis of this position, including my future plans as far as the Secretary's job is concerned. As of March 24th, the following statistics reflect the Association's membership: Members 409 Current Members 357 New Members 1967-68 30 Members Processed by Executive Secretary 141 Certification Candidates Processed 92 Appendix C - By-Laws Committee Report - Mar. 26, 1968 B.O.D. Meeting The By-Laws Committee consists of Bob Zeigler, Chairman, and Bill Haskins and Ed Pond as committee members. The committee held one meeting since the Annual Membership meeting. The sections of the By-Laws taken under study were Sections II, VI, IX and XI. In Section II a proposed change and an alternate proposed change are submitted to provide for the office of Executive Secretary. The recommended change provides for an Executive Secretary to be hired by the President and approved by the Board of Directors while the alternate provides for an elected Executive Secretary. The proposed change is as follows: SECTION II 1st paragraph - delete the word "secretary." Add new 2nd paragraph: "The President shall have the power to appoint, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, an Executive Secretary Page 6 Appendix C (continued) for the duration of the President's term of office. The compensation for the work performed by the Executive Secretary shall be determined by the Board of Directors." The existing 2nd paragraph would become the 3rd paragraph. The existing 3rd paragraph would become the new 4th paragraph and changed to read: "The Executive Secretary ...... " The existing 4th paragraph would become the new 5th paragraph and the 1st sentence would have the word "collect" deleted. The alternate change to Section II is as follows: 1st paragraph change "Secretary" or "Executive Secretary." Add a new 3rd paragraph: "The compensation for the work performed by the Executive Secretary shall be determined by the Boarc of Directors." The remaining paragraphs would be the same as the above proposed. The committee recommends the proposed change over the alternate for the following reasons: 1. It would place the President and the Executive Secretary on an employeremployee basis. 2. If the Executive Secretary is placed on a professional level, the association is more likely to pay what the job is really worth. 3. Admittedly the present personalities and situations lend themselves well to an elected secretary, but this is not likely to be carried into the future. A member may not be available and convenient for the job. The By-Laws should be planned on principles not personalities. It is further recommended that this change should be taken under a study and then acted on at the end of the present terms of office at which time more intelligent appraisal can be made. SECTION VI It is recommended that the first 2 sentences be rewritten for clarity as follows: "The Governing Board shall meet annually at the place specified for the annual meeting of the Corporation and within two dCo/s following adjournment of such meeting of the Corporation. The Governing Board shall elect officers and transact such other business as may come before the meeting." Since notification of this change was not given prior to this meeting, it should be considered at the next Board of Directors meeting. SECTION IX is still under study. SECTION XI It is recommended that Section XI be changed as follows: "In order to attain or regain a voting membership in this Corporation, a person shall have passed the requirements for Associate Ski Instructor or Certified Ski Instructor as provided by the certification policy or hold the rating of Certified Ski Teacher and be a member in good standing in any of the recognized Ski Instructors Divisions; and have paid the current ISlA dues and/or initiation fee as required by current policy.1I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting October 27, 1968 Idaho Falls, Idaho The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by President Lou Lorenz. Present were: Woody Anderson Kirby Dawson Dave Parkinson Phil Jones Absent were: Don Rhinehart Max Lundberg Bob Bybee Bill Haskins Keith Lange Eugene Huber Lou Lorenz (re-elected) Glenn Evans (re-elected) Clark Parkinson (new member) Ed Pond (new member) Alan Miller (new member) President Lorenz welcomed new Board Members and expressed the hope that the Board would be an active one. Reading of minutes of last Board of Directors Meeting. MSC: That we approve minutes as published. (Bybee-Lange) Secretary's Report:- Clark Parkinson. Mr. Parkinson asked that an additional fee of $1.00 be added to his recommendations for Executive Secretary for processing registered members. MSC: That recommendations for an Executive Secretary and the additional $1.00 be approved. (Lange-Parkinson) MSC: That recommendations for Dues Procedure be passed. (Parkinson-Lange) MSC: That recommendations for Certification (Section C) be returned to Certification Committee for approval. (Lange-Parkinson) Treasurer's Report-Max Lundberg. Mr. Lundberg reported there were no problems. MSC: To accept report (Parkinson-Parkinson) MSC: That regulations of expendatures be referred to the By-Laws Committee for recommendations (Bybee-Anderson) Certification Report-Woody Anderson. Mr. Anderson would like to compliment Clark Parkinson for his excellent help. He recommended that all applicants for examinations be registered and complete requirements for registration with I.S.I.A. before they can take an examination for certification. MSC: That recommendations and report be accepted. (Dawson-Pond) MSC: That Certification Committee review Certification Policy. (Lorenz-Anderson) MSC: That Certification Policy be accepted as written with changes in fee to be determined by committee. (Lange-Lundberg) Ethics Report - Keith Lange: Nothing to report. Publicity Report - Dave Parkinson: Mr. Parkinson would like to compliment Leon Dean for a good job. He recommended that the Committee be enlarged and cover more ground. -------- --- - ---- - "- -"-----~~-""-"------- Board of Directors Meeting Minutes-October 27, 1968 Page 2 MSC: To accept report and recommendations. (Lorenz-Parkinson) Credentials Committee Report by Clark Parkinson: Mr. Parkinson stated that there were several members delinquent two or more years in their dues and also members -.-' that could not be located. He ask the Boards permission to drop these members, after 30 days notice of delinquency. MSC: That all persons two years past due be dropped and that a letter be mailed December 15, 1968 giving members who still owe 68-69 dues until January 15, 1969 to pay their dues or be dropped from I. S. LA. (Lange..,Parkinson) Clinic Report by Glenn Evans: Mr. Evans reported that the questionnaire filled out by members was very successful and will be investigated. MSC: To accept report. (Anderson-Jones) Ski School Directors Committee Report by Kirby Dawson: Mr. Dawson stated that the committee was open for suggestions for improvment, and suggested that the meeting be held separate from others and be held in May. MSC: To accept report. (Bybee-Evans) Technical Committee Report by Woody Anderson. Mr. Anderson stated that recommendations had been made to PSIA and that the addition of Sid Jensen to the Committee had helped greatly. It was recommended from open discussion that new techniques and ideas be investigated and then presented to the members through the Technical Committee. The technical Committee and Clinic Committee work together to correlate ideas and activities and have the Demonstration Team demonstrate. Left open for consideration. MSC: To accept the Technical Committee Report. (Lundberg-Lange) By-laws Committee Report - Written report submitted. MSC: That Section I of the By-laws be changed to read: "The direction and control and government of this corporation and of the entire business affairs of the corporation, and the management and disposal of its properties, interests, and activities, shall be vested in a Governing Board composed of (15) members, as provided for in Articles of Incorporation. Members of the Board shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and until their successor is elected and qualified and shall be eligible for re-election. In case of a vacancy from any cause the person elected to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired portion of such term." (Pond-Parkinson) MSC: That the first two sentences of Sec. VI be rewritten to read: "The Governing Board shall meet annually at the place specified for the annual meeting of the Corporation and within two days following adjournment of such meeting of the Corporation. The Governing Board shall elect officers and transact such other business as may come before the meeting." (Pond-D.Parkinson) MSC: That no change be made in Quorum number at this time. (Bybee-C.Parkinson) MSC: That the By-laws Committee invesigate other Business's Voting procedures and report such to the Board of Directors. (Lundberg-D.Parkinson) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes-October 27, 1968 Page 3 A recommendation was made by the President, Lou Lorenz, to further research Section II of the By-laws, last paragraph, specifying the duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer. MSC: That the President appoint a special committee to study and investigate the feasibility of a transitional period before newly elected officers take control. The purpose being to provide better continuity of administration. (Lange-Bybee) NEW BUSINESS 1.e Election of Officers President: Keith Lange nominated Max Lundberg. Dave Parkinson nominated Lou Lorenz. Clark Parkinson moved that nomination cease. Voting done by secret ballot. Max Lundberg nominated President. Keith Lange gave past president Lou Lorenz his thanks for a job well done and recommended that he receive a standing ovation. Vice President: Ed Pond nominated Keith Lange Clark Parkinson nominated Phil Jones Phil Jones nominated Vice President. Secretary: To elect Clark T. Parkinson by acclamation. MSC (Lange-Lundberg) Treasurer: To elect Adrian Segel by acclamation. MSC (Lorenz-Parkinson) 2. Fall Seminar and General Corpoaration Meeting MSC: That we have the Fall Seminar and General Corporation Meeting again in the fall, next year. Time and location to be decided at the Spring Clinic. (Lorenz-Jones) 3. Letters of Appreciation MSC: That the President write a letter on behalf of the members to the Elks Lodge in appreciation for the use of their facilities. (Anderson-Parkinson) MSC: That all doners of prizes and gifts be written a letter of appreciation. Leon Dean should be informed of this. (Lorenz-Lange) 4. Elections of the Executive Committee Nominations: Keith Lange, Lou Lorenz, Woody Anderson; Mr. Anderson declined nomination. MSC: That nominations cease. (Bybee-Lange) The Executive Committee consists of: Max Lundberg Phil Jones Clark T. Parkinson Adrian Segil Keith Lange Lou Lorenz Certification Chairman - to be appointed by the President. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Oct. 27, 1968 Page 4 It was recommended that the President should appoint his own committee after having time to consider, and that the present chairmen and committees function until that time. 5. Expenses MSC: That expenses for Board be approved. (Lundberg-Lange) MSC: That the Board approve expenses for the Executive Secretary and the New Treasurer. (Lorenz-D. Parkinson) Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. As Transcribed by: Directors: ~ :;!~i~ YIlt' |