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Show OE‘DIP‘U toof I . him ‘ V'Whofe Red and Fiery Beams caft throug your Vif A glowing pleafure. Sure you {mile revge?lgy And Ii cow'd gladly hear. Cre Would'lt thou believe Thls giddy hair-brain'd ng, whom old Tirefiu - Has Thunder-ftrook, with heavy accufation Tho' confcious of ‘no inward guilt, yet fears He fears Focaffa, fears himfelf, his fthado; . He fears the multitude; and, whlch is wort , An Age of laughter, out of all mankind " He chufes me to be his Orator - Swears that Adraftus, and the lean-look'd Prophet Are Jomt-confplrators 5 and wiftht me t Appea{'e the raving Thelmm , whxch I fivor - To do g Pyr. A dangerous undertakm Directly oppofite to your own intereft Cre. No, dull Pyracmon5 when 1 left his prefence - With all the Wings with which revenge could im W *.";fi‘?f-;.‘t.;?f‘_" Jarr . My flight, I gain'd the mid'ft o'th' Cit ~ There, ftanding on a Pile of dead and dymg ~ Itothe mad and fickly multitnde, eti O wretched Zhebes, thy King, thy Oedipus, This barbarous Rranger this Ufurper, Monfter m ' With interrupting fobs, cry'd out, O 7hebes ) . Is by the Oracle, the wife Tirefias, E'~ Proclaim'd the murderer of the Royal Lajus . Yoeafta too, no longer now my Sifter ~ Isfound complotter in the horrid deed B clean.sh data import.tsv out README Gabbled Revenge, Revenge was all the cry /' N E %" ‘ - Pyr. This cannot fail I fee you on the Throne, AndOdzpm eaft out. V L e clean.sh data import.tsv out README €re. Then ftreight came on e '; Lo Almnder with a wild and. bellowing. Crou Whom when he had wrought; I whlfper'd hrm to fom, And head the Forces while the heat was in%m' 2T Btowatlou " So to the PalaceI return'd, t mleet =~ ( . The King, and greet him Wlth ano\‘,hfl' fiOr éfBut fee, he Enters h weafS to gl]@f _Here I renounce all tye of Blood and Nature ~ Forthee, O Thebes, dear Thebes, poor bleeding Thebe: £e ‘And thereI wept, "and then the Rabble howl'd [t~ And roar'd, and with a thoufand antick mouths f 5 ¥ ,» ‘v'..‘l ‘_ t e C ;{'\"' . ‘u‘) { 2 o sk o gadl afdaa & '1« " ...: ahaaiil ¢g JH |