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Show OEDIPW lfl o Gfl'ended Heav'n will never be appeas' While Oedipus pollutes: the Thrope: of Lajus YWWW o Spfik Pr; Srex matter, 1 0o | ffly hgarh Ao Sing e 10 T e e A ftranger to his ‘Blood All. We'll no Ocediprts 1 Cit. He puts the Prophet in a Mouf&hol 2 Cir. | knew it wow'd be fo ; the laft man ever fpeaks the befl' reafon.; Tir. Can benefits thus dye, ungrateful: 7} habam Remember yet, when, after Lajus's death, The Monfter Sphysx laid your 'rich Country wafte Your Vinyards fpoil'd, your labouring Oxen flew Your felves for fear mew'd up within your Walls She, taller than your Gates, o're-look'd: your Town, But when fhe rais'd:her Bulk to fail above you She drove the Ai i Estortiod LV' ol ¢t e PO Tv | Néighbflfif l'éf;;;,ebej? aroun her like 2. Whirlwind And fhaded all beneath; till ftooping down She clapp'd her leathern wing agamfl: your Tow'rs And thruft ou dotdtoutd no Qedipus.. her long neck, ev'n to: your doors - Dioe, Alc. Pyr. We'll ‘hear no more Tir. You durft not:meet: in Temples "T'invoke the Gods for aid, the: pmudefi: h Who leads you now, then crow'd, like a dar'd Lark This Creon fhook. for fear The blood of Lajus cruddled m hts Vem - Till Oedipus arriv'd Call'd by his own hlgh courage and the Gods, Himfelf to you a God: ye offer'd. him Your Queen, and Crown; (but what was then your Crown 1 And Heav'n authoriz'd ‘it by his fuccefs "Speak then, who is your lawful King?. All. °Tis Oedipus Tir. *Tis Oedipus indeed; yout- l(mg more lawfu Than yet you dream: - for fomething ftill. there lyes In Heav'ns dark Volume, whichI read through mifts 'Tis great, prodigious; 'tis a dreadful birt Of wondrons Fate; and now,! juftnow difclofing.it damns. I fee, I fec! how te:rrlbl\]/' And my Soul fickens wi 1 Cit. How the God: lhakes hlm Trlumph Conqueft Victory. hecome comes Tir. H But oh ! Guiltlefs and Guiley: Murdet! Parricide Inceft; Difcovery! Punifbment-=-"tis ended, r o g i e f f a An |