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Show OEDIPYU Ocd. Coud'ft thou not anfiwer witho Joe. They fay in' Ph k Ofl't cide; on the Verge that parts i Erom Danlia, and from Delphos Oced. So'--How long | when hap ~ Joe. Some little time before you catiie t Ocd, Wh t will the Gods do with me Joe. What means that ‘thought Oced. Something : but >tis not yet yo r turn to ask How old was Lagws, what his thape, his ft ture His action, and his meen? quick, quick yo Joe. Big made he was, and tall : his p Erect his countenance :~ Manly Majeft s Murgy Sate in his front, and darte from his eyes Commanding all he viewed : his hair juft griz . As in a green old age: bate but his years Youare his Picture Oed, afide. Pray Heav'n he drew menot? a hi P t r ?je. Se I have often told you Oed. True, you have Add that to the reft : how was the Kin Attended when he travell'd Foc.:By four Servants - He went out privately Oed. Well counted ftill Onefcap'd1 hear; what fince became of him Joe. When he beheld you firft, as King in Thebes He kneel'd, and trembling beg>d I wowd difmifs him He had my leave; and now- he lives retir'd O¢d. This Man muft be produc'd; he mult, Yocafta Joe, He fhall---yet have I leave toask you why Ocd. Yes, youthall know: for wherefhould I repof The Anguifh of my Soul, butin your breaft -Joom' ith cord er,d 9 Ineed not tell you Corinth claims my birth My Parents Polybus and Merope Two Royal Names; their only Child am I It happen'd once5 *twas at a Bridal Feaft One warm with Wine, .told me Iwas a Foundling ~ Not the King's Son;, I ftung with this reproach Strook him : my Father heard of it - the Ma Was made ask pardon ; and the bufinefs hufh'd, Joe, *Twas {omewhat odd Ocd. And ftrangely it perplext me 1 ftole away to Delphos, and implor' The God, to tell my certain Parentage H‘ bade me feck no farther /-=twas my Fat ‘ s " Te |