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Show d»Song Oor B ilhings gy gy i) Ungj V s fo qu dhad e ving cheated Roderi:ga of all his Monc AN 111 10 Racke £E1L I will mat f e wil e i."jflfi, t( W!, o gfym. 1 had fougk' } bledtof t0 fl f) ojpre an Jewels, on pretence of prefenting them t Defdemona;" our Gallant grows angry, ‘an would ‘have fatisfaGion from Fago; wh fets all right; by telling him Cajfio 1s to b Governour, " Ochellp is going with Defdewona 1nto Manritanias to prevent this, yo are Ito murder Cafsio, and then all may b well, Jago ) Lot (7 He goes into Mauritania and take with bim the fair Defdemona, wunlefs bi abode be lingred bhere by fome accident wherein'none can be [o determinate, as the remoping f Caffio Had Roderigo been one of the Bawditih might not much ftick at the Murder Bu why Roderigo fhould take this for paymenr and nifque his perfon where the profpedt o advantage is fo very uncerrain and remote no bedy c2n imagine. It had needbe Juper-fabele Venetian that this Plor will paf upon. - Then after-a little fpo f v il lan and Murder, we are brought ' to the mof lamentable that ' ever appear on an Stage.A noble Venetian Lady is to be muf ~dered by our Poer; -i fober fadnefs, pitrcl for being a Foal. No Pagaa Poet but wou' hav |