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Show (133 W iy ic [ Camo' oupl d: A ) oudly t") muft e dudi it be (apacty: ot he (9 COMe Coverme ] L do befeech yonr Lordfbip call ber back Oth. Miftrefs Defd. My Lord - Oth. What would you with her Sir Lud. Who, I, my Lord clean.sh data import.tsv out README Oth. I, yo ber tarn. did wifb that I woeu'd mak Sir, fhe can'turn, andturn, and yet go on And turn agen, and fbe canweep, Sir, weep Andfbe 15 obedient, asyou fay, obedient Very obedient --- Lud. What firike your Wife Of what fleth and blood does our Poet make thefe noble Venetians ? the me withou Gall3 the Women without eithe Brains or Senfe2 A Sénators Daughter run away with this Black-amoor 5 the Government employs this Moor to defend the againft the Turks, {o refent not the Moor Marriageat prefent,but the danger over,lie Father gets:the Moor Cathier'd, fends hi Kinf{man, 'Seigniot Ludevico, to Cypru - with the Commiffion for a new General who, at his arrival, finds the Moor callin the Lady his Kinfwoman,Whore and Strum pet, and kicking her : what fays the Magwifico K: Lq |