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Show (24 Who follow'd him in Comedy were content to trifle wich the Punks, the Pandars the Ruffian, the old Chufl, the Davus o Knave of the Family, and his young Ma Iter.« We may truft Horace for the fence of th Latins, atthe time when they were beft a \min fem, Hy ander Greet Then they reckon'd, as th thatthe End of Poetry wa jzmmdzz ¢ idonea dicere Vite But what their pra&ice, or how they improv'd the drama, we fee not. They tel of an Ocedipus, written by Fulius Cefar ; Alemaeon, by Catullus; a 1 hyeftes by Gr cchus ; an Adrvaftus, and an Aizx by A guftus Cafar 5 an Aftyonax, by Ratiliys a Me dea by Mecanas 3 a Medea by Owid wit Seneca's Medea t0o. The Names of the feveral Tragedies import, that thef men were content to ‘tranflate fro Greek, no farcther then had thei ambigio carried them Horace fays, indeed No e se as well tobe profitable, as to be pleafant Grecks had done ~~~~~ Simnl D.‘fi,‘/fl( -- ble to judge d Dio -------- {fome relemblance of his Frops: The Vertuofo's Charaller, and Ben Johnfon's Alchymif give fpme fhadow of his Clonds; but no where, peradventure wanders fo much o his Spirit, asinthe Frexzch Rab:lais fefo - the Moderns, our Rehearfal i i ,2'.‘/17 Amongf Ygmin Polite little h among '11‘.03 Hely ( the A they n hard]y fori given br be re It Hfurp hop |