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Show (8 Judges in Commiffion by the Govern ment {worn to do right, and determine th Merits of 2 Play,\without favour or affetion But among(t the Moderns, never wa a Caufe canvafs'd with fo much heat, between the Play- Judges, as that in Fraunce, a bout Corseille's Tragedy of the Cid. Th Moujority were {ofond of it, that wit them it became a Proverb, (f) Cela eff plu bean que laCid, On the other fide, Cardina Richelien damn'd it, and {aid, 4// the pudde about ity was only between the ignorant people ard the menof judoment Yet this Cardinal with {o nice a tafte had not many years before been fevera times to fee acted the Tragedyof Sir Thomas Moor ,and as often wept at the Reprefentation. Never were known {o many peopl (¢) crowded todeath, asat that Play. Ye was it the ManufaCture of Feban de Serre one about the form of our Flekno, or Thomas Jordan The fame de Serre, thatdedicated a Book of Meditations to K. Charles I and went home with Pockets full of Medal and Reward By this Inftance we fee a man themof upo by thefe cheating Sence (f) Peliffon. Hif. dead finua Woui fhoul Clim fra Wo i"fizii {harp, andof the greateft penetration wa impole o (g) Parnaffe Reform | ;h; reaf near eno be [i pe |