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Show 30 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Caumrra Lanos: Act of April 14, 1926 Authorizes the purchase of approxi-mately 20 acres of land in Cnllfornia to be added to the ('ahnilla Indian Iicsrr-vntiorl. and an a-n-o ro-n riation of P2.000 therefor. MI ~ I N G LEASES ON BESEB~E~S: c oft A Dril 17. 1926. Authorizes the leasing. for mining purposes, of land reserved f& 1ndian agency and school purposei: BLACKFEET TRIBAL FUNDS : Act of April 19, 1926. Proddes that funds placed 'to the credit of the Indians of the Fort Peck and Blackfeet Reservations, Mont.. under the act of Mav 18. 1916. shall hear interest st 4 nnr cent and he subiect ~~ ~ ~ - - ~~-~ ~~~ ~ ~.~--~~~.~-~- ~.-- - - - - ~~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~. to exoenditure in accordance with existing law. TA~LOLAH WATW SWPLY: Act of April 19, 1926. Authorizes an expenditure of $3,000 for the development of a domestic water supply for the Quinaieit Indians at Taholah, Wash. PWLO LANDSC;O NDEMNATION: Act of May 10, 1926. Provides for the con-demnation of lands of the Pueblo Indians, New Mexico, for public purposes and for any. .nn rv.o se for which lands ma-r be .cond emned under the laws of that State. RENOI NDIANSL,A ND EOB: Act of May 10, 1926. Provides for the purchase of additional land to be added to the Indian col?ny at Reno, Nev., and authorizes an appropriation of $4,500 therefor. MEEA GRAXDE ADDITIONS: Act of May 10, 1926. Provides for the addition of Certain lands to the Mesa Grande Indian Reserration, Calif. INTERIAOrrRRo PRranoN ACT: Act of May 10, 1926. Interior Department appropriation act, Uscal year 1927. Carries appropriations for the Indian Service from Federal funds totaling $11,985,660 and from tribal funds $2,343,520. These appropriations are for medical, educational, irrigation, and general sup port and civilization purposes. CHIPPEWASA; DJUDICATION OF CLNMS: Act of May 14, 1926. Authorizes the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota to bring suit in the Court of Claims. INDIAMNON EYS: Act of May 17, 1926. Provides for the deposit nnd. expendi-ture of funds known as Indian moneys, proceeds of labor. DREssLERvILLE INDIANs; WATER: Act of May 17, 1926. Authorizes an appro-priation of $5,500 for a domestic water supply for the Dresslerville Indian colony, Nevada. COLVILLEH OME ST^ ENTBIES: Act of May 17, 1926. Extends for a period Of five years from and after September 4, 1926, time for homestead entries on the south half of the diminished Colville Indian Reservation, Wash. SACA ND FOXT ITLE: Act of May 17, 1926. ConUrms title in the Sac and Fox Indians of Oklahoma to certain lauds and buildiIlgs. FIVE TsIREs; ADJUDICATION OF CLAIMS: Act Of May 19, 1926. Authorizes the Creek, Seminole, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians, members of the Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, to ale separate or joint suits in the Court of Claimq, under special jurisdictional acts. FORTH ALL LANDS: Act of May 19, 1926. Extending the provisions of section 2455 of the Revised Statutes, providing for sale of certain lands, to the Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho. CROW ALLOTMENTS: Act of May 10, 1826. Provides for the making of allotments of land to newborn children on the Crow Reservation, Mont. CEOW m s m : Act of May 26, 1926. Amends Crow allotment act of June .4 1920, and provides for more liberal leasing of their lands by Indians. MORONGLOAN DS: Act of Jnne 1, 1926. Authorizes the withdrawal of 240 :acres of land in California to be set aside as an addition to the Morongo Indian Reservation. SANTAY S A BL~AN DS: Act of June 3, 1926. Provides for the purchase Of lands for addition to the Santa Ysabel Reservation, Calif., and authorizes m appropriation of $25,000 therefor. TONGURIE- aLornaawm: Act of June 3, 1926. Antborizes the making of allotments on the Tongue River Reservation, Mont., and authorizes an appropriation therefor. CASA GUNDE RUINS: Act of Jnne 7, 1926. Authorizes the withdrawal of mrtain lands in Casa Grande Rnins needed for the San Carlos reclamation project. KIOWA -ST m u : Act of June 12, 1926. Authorizes the Secretary of ,the Interior to aet aside and administer oil royalties, rentals, and bonuses as a trust fond for the Kiowa Commanche, and Apache Indians. Oklahoma. FOBT PECK HOME^^ PAYMENTS: Act of June 15, 1926. Extends for a period of one year time for making homestead payments on Fort Peck lands, Montana. |