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Show 390 FIVE GIVILIZED TRIBES. twice the ap raised value of an average allotment, or $651.20, as provided by Paw . The remaining unallotted lands were offered for sale under regub tions of October 12, 1910, and F e b r u a ~20 , 1911, 40 the amount of 49,765 acres, of whch 35,692 acres were sold, leavlng a balance of 14,073 acres yet to be disposed of. CHOCTAW AND CHICXASAW NATIONS. Com lete allotments have been made to all citizens and freedmen of the 6hoctaw and Chickasaw Nations, except to seven Chickasaw freedmen and one Choctaw by blood, who can notbe located, although repeated efforts have been made to ascertain the~rw hereabouts; and seven Choctaw citizens whose allotments can not be adjusted until the determination of several suits that have been instituted by the De artment of Justice to cancel patents coverin the lands involved. &ring the year 27 allotments were.made to lhoctaw and Chicka-saw citizens and freedmen in both nation?, c o n t h g 3,197.25 acres. Allotment certificates and patents covenng all of these allotments have been repared and delirered in all cases where the contest period has expire$ - Statw of allotments andunallotted lands in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations on June SO. 1911. ....... Total area of Choctaw and Chickamw Nations ........................ 11,660,,952.35 Total area reserved horn allotment for coal, asphalt, town sites, etc.. . 510,275.61 Total area which wag ~ubject to allotm~nt on Apr. 15, <903, , tqe date of the opening of the land offices at Atoka and Tmho-mmgo .................................................... 11,150,676.74 Total area allotted to June 30. 1911. ................................ 8,085,313.57 Tg.tal nreu porrhaaed by iw<dmen irnr1c.r tho pn,visiond of thcr %:I uf C~~~~r e s s appruAvprr..d 2 6, 1906 (31 Slat., 1'37, ..................... 21,134.9j Toral awn iloallotrt-d laud rold at public auctiun ..................... 513,8?L 17 ~ o t adre a allotted and land sold .............................. 8,635,280.69 Total area temporarily r e w e d for propowediorest reserve ............ 1,373,324.62 , Total area allotted, reserved, and sold ......................... 10,008,605.31 Total area unallotted and unsold on June 30, 1911, not including the forest reserve and land segregated for coal and asphlt.. ........... 1,142,0?1.~43 11,150,676.74 This statement shows the unallotted and unsold land to exceed the area of unallotted land sales bz a small amount, which is accounted for from the fact that a num er of tracts of land were w~thdrawn from sale hy reason of freedmen having made applications to ur chase same, which appli~ations were r?jected on.account of t%e< failure to pay for same wthn the tlme hmitprescubed by law. During the year & total of !,826 Choctaw and Chickasaw patents have been prepared, which includes 1,412 atents covering lands urchased by freedmen, 323 covering lands aiotied to Choctaw and 8hickasaw c~tizensa nd freedmen, and 94 covering lands reserved for tribal churches and schools and freedmen churches., There have been delivered from thm office dunng the year 286. Choctaw and Chickasaw homestead and allotment patents, 1,412 |