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Show LEGISLATION RELATING TO INDIAN AFFAIRS S H I P PIN~nra~lis ; PAP ME ZIT^: Act of February 19, 1926. ~ u t h o r i r&t he secrettlry of tile Interior to muke a per capita payruenl of $50 to each eurollcd mcnlher of rhr Chivucwa Tribe of Indians in llinneuta. RAW INDI~NA&S :o f February 27, 1926. Authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to issue certificates of competency removing restrictions against aliena-tion on inherited lands of the Kansas or Kaw Indians, Oklahoma. TAHOLAHRO AD: Act of March 1. 1926. Authorizes an exDenditure of $50.000 of the tribal funds of the ~uinaielt Indians, for completion of a road fron) Taholah 10 Mocliyw, Wash. Swux H E ~MH C R ~ E \ I F S T ~.:\ a i,f Uamh 1. 1'SLC. .\uthorizt% ~u appropr int i~n of $lj,Bi5 in srtl.re.n~r ~f elaimr of rerluin Sioux Indian- fur hurses d~strosed bera~xar irfecred with rlaoders. FIRSTDE FICIENCY A&: Act of March 3, 1926. Carries appropriations covering deficiencies, and special authorizations for the Indian Service, among whicli are the follbwing items: For the Chippewa Indiana in Minnesota in settlement. of their claim for certain timber and interest, $422,939.01; for compnsation to Chippewa Indians of Minnesota far lands disposed of under the free home-steads act of May 17, '1900, $1,787,751.36; for payment to the Clallam Indians, Washington, in settlement of their claims, $400,000; for interest found due the Omaha Indians, Nebraska, on their claims, $374,465.02; for repairs and im-provements to buildings and grounds at the Charles H. Rurke School, Fort Wingate (formerly military post), N. Mex., $134,895; for payment of local taxes to the counties of Stevens and Ferry, State of Washington, $81,640.37:. and for remodeling. and reconstructing boys' dormitory and hospital building at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, $52,000. KOOTENAIIN DIANS;L ANDS: Act of March 11, 1926. -4nthorieing the sale of land of Kootenai Indians, in Bnnndary County, Idaho. and the purchase of other land for allotment to said Indians. CmLInam: DAM: Act of March 18, 1926. Authorizes the employment of Consulting engineers in connection with plans and specifications for the Coolidge Dam, Ariz. LUMMI REswvAnoN, BEClAMATlON OF: Act Of March 18, 1926. Authorizes an appropriation of $65,000 for the purwse of reclaiming and draining 4,400 acres within the Lummi Indian Reservation, Wash. Pnoex~x cAnrpIno xesenve: ,Let of March 22, 1926. I'rovides far the pr-manent withdrawal of 80 acre.; of land in Arizona for une as a camp grourlcl for pupils of the Indian school at Phoenix, Ariz. FIVEC IVmIZEll TRIEES;U MITATION OF SUITS: Act Of April 12. 1926. Amends section 9 of the art of Nay 27. 1905. covering remora1 of restrictions in the Five Civilii-nd Tribes, Oklahoma; provides for putting into force the statnte-of limitations of the State of Oklahoma in reference to nuits involving lndinlh titles. and provides for the Fnited States to join in celtnin actions. 13sUaANCE ON. TRIBAL PROPERTY: Act of April 13. 1926. Authorizes the pay-ment of ins~~rancpere miums on tribal property of Indians. SIOUXM ONUMENT: Art of April 14. 1926. Authorizes the aequireme~~otf & tract of land, and the erection of n monument thereon. on the site of the battle nlth the Sianx Indians in which the eomnlands of Major Reno and 91ajor Renteen were mgagecl. CBOw TUITION : Act of Apdl 14, 1926. Authorizes the .payment of tuition fop I~idiane hildren of the <"row Rewervtltioll. hlont.. eurolled in puhlc schools. SENECA SaHmC IMPRoVEMENTa: Act of Aprl 14, 1926. Authorizes an appra, priation of $40,000 for remodeling and repairing the Seneca Scliil plant a t Wyandotte. Okla. (Quapaw Reservation), 29 |