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Show RICE LAKE, MINN.: Act of June 23, 1926. Provides for setting aside Rice Lake, in Minnesota, for exclusive nse of Chippewa Indians. PAPAW BOAU: Act of June 23, 1926. Authorizes an appropriation of X12.5.000 for construction of a road across the Pan- ae-o Reservation. Ariz.. &?ween Ajo and Tucson. ' QUANAHP ABKEBM O N U ~ ~ E N TA: ct of June 23, 1926. Authorizes an appro-priation of $1,500 for the purpose of erecting a monument to Quanah Parker. late chief of the Comanche Indians, Oklahoma. B w ~ sO. ZEQONS,C HOOL: Art of June 23, 1926. Authorizes an appropriation of $8,000 for erection of a school hnildlug at Eurns, Oreg., for Indian children. MAMALO~ISsmE no: Act of June 25, 1926. Authorizes the permanent with-drawal of Mamaloose Island, and reserves same for cemetery purposes for the Yakima Indians, Washington. SIOUX J~SDICTIONAI. ACT: Act of June 23, 1926. Amends the Sioux juris-dictional act of June 3, 1920, extending the time for filing of suit in the Court of Clams by the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians. PAIUTE IEBIGATIOX: Act of Juue 26, 1920. Authorizes the cancellation and remittance of construction assessments against allotted Paiute Indian lands, Nev. PAFAGOA GENCYLA ND: Act of June 28, 1926. Authorires an appropriation of $9,500 for the purchase of additional land for the Papago Agency, Ariz. WALKERRIV ERD AM: Act of Juue 30, 1926. Authorizes an appropriation for investigations, surveys, etc., to determine feasibility of a dam across Walker River, Nev., for irrigation of Indian lands. POTAWATOMI; ADJuDICATlON OF CLAIMS : Act of July 2, 1926. Authorizes the ritieen Potawatomi Indians to flle suit in the Court of Claims. SW~ L U~~0 0 ~A8ct: of July 3, 1926. Authorizes transfer of surplus b o o b from Navy Department to Interior Department for use in Indian schools. naow: An.rrmrc*TroA OF C l l IMB : Act of J n l ~3. 1926. Authorizes the Crow ~ ~- Tndians of Montana to file suit in the court of b~aims. CHIPPEWA ROAD: Act of July 3, 1926. Authorizes an appropriation of $6000. from the tribal funds of the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota for construction. qf a road to the sanatorium at Leech Lake. WnT BELKNAFRE VOI.VINQ FUND: Act of July 3, 1926. Authorizes the creation! of a revolving fund, from the tribal funds of the Indians of the Fort Belkna Reservation, Mont., for the purpose of aiding Indians in their industri& activities. LEASINQ~ ~ B I Q ~ BLLAEAD S: Act of July 3, 1926. Authorizing the leasing of unallotted irrieable lands for aEricultura1 purposes for a period of 10 years. SECCISD ~KF;~IENCY ACT: ~ cof i J U ~ Y 3 ; 1!126. Cur r ie~ a~propriations of .$l,Wl,l;d.ll fur miswiiarleou.; items in eonnecrion with Indinn Rerviee activ-ities, i~.elutling $725,000 for ennslruction work on the Coolidge Dam. Carries appropriations in fulIliiment of s w i a i act8 of Congress. |