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Show ADDITION.AL NOTES. P. 7· ,Additional note to Curcuma. Thefc anthedefs filaments feem to be an endeavour of the pbnt to prod11ce more fbmens, as would appl·:u Jfom fume experiments of M. Reynicr, inflittJttd for <~ noth .:r purpofe: he cut away the fl:amens of many flowers, with defign to prevent their ft.!cundity, and in many infbnces the flower threw out new filaments from the wounded part of different lengths, but did not produce new anthers. The experiments were mack: on the guem rivale, different kinds of mallows, and the xchinops citro. Critical Re ;iew for March, 1788. f P. 8. Additir;n to thr 11~/e on Iris. In the Perftan Iris the end of the lower petal is purple, with white eel •cs and orange fl:reaks, creeping, as it were, into. the mouth of the Hower like an infctl; by which deception in its native climate it probably prevents a fimilar infect from plundering it of its honey: the eclges of the lower pet:.U lap ov r thofc of the npper one, which prevents it from opening too wide on fine cbys, and facilitates its return at night; whence the rain is excluded, and the ail' admitted. ee Polymorpha, Rubia, and Cypripedia, in Vol. I. P. 12. .l!ddirionalnole on Chondrilla. In the natural fhte of the expanded flower of the b:11 berry, the fl:amens lie on the petals; under the concove fummits of ·w hich tit <mthers fh eltcr themfclves, and in this fllllation rcm:1in perfc.:lly rigid; but on touching tlte in!ide of the filament near its bale with a fine bri fllc, or blunt needle, the Hamcn infbntly hcnds upwar Is, ancl the anther, embracing tht: fl:igma, 01eds its clnfl:. Obft:rvations on the Irritation of Vegetabl es, by T. E. Smith, M. D. P. 15. Addition to the n?te on Silcne. I faw a plant of the Dionxa Mnlcipula, Fiytrap of Vc:nns, this day, in the collection of Sir B. Boothby, :1t J\fhbmn-Hall, D rbyfhire, Aug. 2oth, 17H8 ; and on draY\ ing a fl:raw along the middle of the rib of the leaves as they by upon the ground round tl e Hem, each of th{'m, in about a feconJ of time, lolcd ami dou\;>lcd itf,·Jf up, crafTing tltc thorns m·cr the oppofite edge f the leaf, like the teeth or a fp:·in.; r:lt-trap: of this plant I was EJVOUrcJ vvith :.111 clct':tllt coloured drming, by Mils Maria J :~ckfon, of Tarporly, in Chclhire, a Lady 11ho adds much botanical kr owlcdgc to m:wy other elegant acquirements. |