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Show ii PREFACE. CLASS I. ONE MALE, Monandria; includes the plants which poifefs but One Stamen in each flower. II. Two MALES, Diandria. Two Stamens. Ill. THREE MALES, Triandria. Three Stamens. IV. FouR MALBS, Tetranrlria. Four Stamens. V. FivE MALES. Petandria. Five Stamens. VI. Six MALES, Hexandria. Six Stamens. VII. SEvEN MALEs, ]-ft!ptandria. Seven Stamens. VIII. EIGHT M .'\..LES, Oflandria . Eight Stamens. IX. NINE MALES, Enneandria. Nine Stamens. X. TEN MALES, Decandria. Ten Stamens. XI. TwELVE MALES, Dodecandria. Twelve Stamens. The next two Clafies are difiingui!hed not only by the number of equal and difunited males, as in the above eleven Claifes, but require an additional circumfiance to be attended to. '7Ji7.. whether the males or ftamens be fituated on the calyx, or not. XII. TwENTY NlALES, l cifandria. T'wenty Stamens inferted on the calyx or flower-cup; as is well feen in the lafi Figure of No. xii. in the annexed Plate. XIII. MANY MALES, Polyandria. From 20 to roo Stamens, which do not adhere to the calyx; as is well feen in the fir:fl: Figure of No. xiii. in the annexed Plate. In the next two Cla!fes, not on I y the number of fiamens are to. be obferved, but the reciprocal proportions in refpeCl: to height. XIV. Two PowERS, Didynamia. Four Stamens, of which two arc lower than the other two; as is feen in the two fir:fl: F igures of No. xiv. XV. FouR PowERs, Tetradynamia. Six Stamens; of which four are taller, and the two lower ones oppoGte to each other; as is feen in the third Figure of the upper row in No. xv. PREFACE. iii The five fubfequent Cla!fes are difiingui!hed not by the number of the males, or fiamens, but by their union or adhefion, either by their anthers, or filaments, or to the female or pifiil. XVI. ONE BRoTHERHOOD, Monade!pbia. Many Stamens united by their filaments into one company; as in the fecond Fi-gure below of No. xvi. XVII. Two BRoTHERHOODS, Diadelphia. Many Stamens united by their filaments into two Companies : as in the uppermoft Fig. No. xvii. XVIII. MANY BRoTHERHOODS, Po!yadelphia. Many Stamens united by their filaments into three or more companies, as in No. xviii. XIX. CoNFEDERATE MALES, Syngenrifia. Many Stamens united ·by their anthers; as in the fidl: and fecond Figures, No. xix. XX. FEMININE MALES, Gynandria. Many Stamens attached to the pifiil. The next three Claffcs confiil: of plants. whofe flowers contain but one of the fexes ; or if fome of them contain both fexes, there are other flowers accompanying them of but one fex. XXI. ONE HousE, Mona:cia. Male flowers and female flowers feparate, but on the fame plant. XXII. Two HousEs, Dia:cia. Male flowers and female flowers feparate, on different plants. XXIII. PoLYGAMY, Polygamia. Male and female flowers on one or more plants, which have at the fame time flowers of both fexes. The la:fl: Clafs contains the plants whofe flowers are not difcernible. XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE, Cryptogamia. The Orders of the firfi thirteen Claifes are founded on the number of Females, or Piftils, and diftingui!hed by the names, ONE A~ |