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Show [ 2 ] What Beaux and Beauties crowd the gaudy groves, And woo and win their vegetable Loves. I o l-Iow Snowdrops cold, and blue-eyed Harebels blend Their tender tears, as o'er the fire am they bend ; The love-lick Violet, and the Primrofe pale, Bow their fweet heads, and whifp~r to the gale ; With feeret :lighs the Virgin Lily droops, And jealous Cowflips hang their tawny cups. How the young Rofe in beauty's damaik pride Drinks the warm blufl1es of his ba{hful bride; \:Vith honey' d lips enamour' cl Woodbines n1eet, Clafp with fond arms, and tnix their kiifes fwect.- Stay thy [oft-murmuring waters, gentle Rill ; Huih, whifpering Winds ; ye rufl:ling Leaves be flill ; Refl:, :filver ButterRies, your quivering wings ; Alight, ye Beetles, from your airy rings ; 20 f/rgetable L oves. I.. IO. ~i.nncus, the celebrated Swedifh naturali!l:, has demonl1rated, that all flowers contam families of males or females or both . d h · · b It . • • ' , an on t e1r marnages as connruch:d Ius mvaluable fy!l:em of Botany. [ 3 ] Y e painted Moths, your gold-eyed plutnage furl, Bow your wide horns, your fpiral,trunks uncurl ; Glitter, ye Glow-worms, on your n1offy beds ; Defcend, ye Spiders, on your lengthened threads ; Slide here, ye horned Snails, with varniih' d fhclls ; Y e Bee-nymphs, lifien in your waxen cells! 30 B.OTA NI C MUSE! who in this latter age Led by your airy hand the Swediih fage, Bade his keen eye your fecret haunts explore On dewy dell, high wood, and winding fhore; Say on each leaf how tiny Graces dwell; llow laugh the Pleafures in a bloffom' s bell ; . . l-Iow infeCt: Loves arife on cobweb wings, Aim th~ir light !hafts, anq point their little fiings. " Firfl: the tall CANNA lifts his curled brow EreB: to heaven, and plights his nuptial vow ; 35 Canna. 1. 39· C ane, or Indian Reed. One male and one female inhabit each flower. It is brought from between the tropics to our hot-houfes, and bears a beautiful crimfon Hower; the feeds are ufed as !hot by the Indians, and are !l:rung for prayer-beads in fome Catholic countries. • 2 |