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Show [ 78 ] "I faint, I fall!'' -at noo1t the Beauty cried, "Weep o'er my tomb, ye Nytnphs!"-and funk and died. -1~hus, when white Winter o'er the :fhivering clime Drives the frill fnow, or ihowers the :Giver ritne ; As the lone ·iliepherd o'er the dazzling rocks Prints his fieep fiep, and guides his vagrant flocks ; Views the green holly veil' d in net-work nice, .'Her vennil clufie.rs twinkling in the ice ; Adrnires the Iuc~d vales, and :llumbering floods, Sufpended cataraCts, and cryfial woods, Tranfparent towns, with feas of milk between, And eyes with tranfport the refulgent fcene : If breaks the funihine ~:>' er the fpangled trees, Or .flits on tepid wing the wefiern breeze, In liquid dews defcends the tranfient glare, And all the glittering pageant melts in air. 335 340 345 Where Andes hides his cloud-wreath' d crefl: in fnow, And roots his bafe on burning fands below ; [ 79 ] CrNCHON A, fairefi of Peruvian tnaids, To Health's bright Goddefs in the breezy glades On Quito's temperate plain an altar rear'd, Trill' d the loud hymn, the foletnn prayer preferr' d : Each balmy bud ihe cull'd, and honey'd flower, 350 And hung with fragrant wreaths the facred bower; EaG:h pear.ly fea .£he fearch' d, and fparlding mine, 35 5 And piled their treafures on the gorgeous !brine ; Her fuppliant voice for :Gckening Loxa: raifed,. Sweet breath' d the gale, and bright the cenfo; blazed~ " -Divine 1-IY.GEIA! on thy votaries bend " Thy angel-looks, oh, hear us, and defend ! " While fireaming o'er the night with baleful glare '' The ftar- of Autumn rays his mifry hair ; " Fierce from his fens the Giant AGuE fprings, " · And wrapp' d in fogs defcends on vampire wings;. Cinchona. 1. 349· Peruvian bark-tree. Five males, a-nd one female. Several of thele trees were felled for other purpofes into a lake, when an epidemic fever of a very mort:~ l kind pre\·ailed at Loxa in Peru, and the woodmen, accidentally drinking the water, were cured ; and thus were difcovcred the virtues of this famous drug. |