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Show 132 r/at<_-f is turned to us from the rivers by^ the Podaral Water Commissi oner according to the priority of our various filings and in -proportion to tho number of acres of land under cultivation. Be pro rate the water to our stockholders in accordance wiih the number of shires of stock held by thsu regardless of the aoreaga thoy have brougnt under cultivation. 2*or example, if A and B own 150 shares of 3tock in the company, and i hid 160 acfeB undor cultivation and B had 40 ac*as under cultivation, we would roport 200 acres to the list ar Commission or who would turn us water for 200 3crss according to suoh duty as tha available supply would permit. Ue in turn weald turn water for 100 aore3 to A, who haa 160 aorns under cultivation, and water for 100 acres to 3, who has -40 acres under cultivation. This system encourages 3 to waste water, and discourages A. Our only reason for -r act-icing it is that our Attorneys hava a~dvis«d us that paragraph 2 of Article 4 of our articles of incorporation, a markad couy of which I encloso, obliges us to $p 30. Thn o onditlcn 3 of joint caatrol row exists on Canal Bo. 1, tha Uintah Csnal and the Indian bench Canal, all diverting water from the Uintah Biver, all built by the united States and enlarged by the Dry Gulch Irrigation Company under a decree of tha State Court of Utah. The same condition exists on a number of laterals under the above oanals, 03m a of whioh wore built by the United States and enlarged by the Dry G-alch Company, while with others tha o cn verse i3 true. The rooporsibllity for operation and saint en ance appears to be a matter of friaadly adjustment between tho Irrigation of the Inatm Service and of the Irrigation 1 Q *.> |