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Show 133 Company, but there la every opportunity for a difference of opinion that in an onergarny might prove diaastorau3* Divided authority ia impotent in any buaUiuau, and is particularly so in the operation of an irrigation pro j aot. It is a matter that demands attention, as it should be remedied, and ono pirty mada reaponsiblo f or the operation and aaintaaaaoe of the canals. Bxcess Carrying Capacity:- In addition to the joint uso, whore tha siae of tho ditche3 was greater than that required by tha Indian lands at present under cultivation, the exoaas capacity wa3 acme timoa leased to 7 hite homosteadars, aa a matter cf coavsnio;ca to them. Unfortunately, in many instances, thsy failed to appreciate the accomodation thus afforded, and were a constant source of trouble and annoyance, as numerous depredations hava be&n committed from time to time, for which,, owing to tha laxity or connivance of tha local authorities, no ona haa suffered any penalty. Operation of Parm Laterals:- The situation is aggravated by the fact that in acoordarce with the practioe of delivering water to the hi.-Jhast corner of each 'A) aero tract, tha United States utte$npt3 to operate and maintain a net-work of small latarals, that ara little mora than field ditohaa. To properly control these ditahea would require a 3_nall army of ditch-iidars 133 |