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Show 1 I 1.25 structures aa soon as the oo sfc of materials becomes reason able, or the pro j eat becomes wealthy enough to bear tho oxpoaae, and by eliminating "culirary-Vind winter water, as scon as this practice becomes general on private oncied canals. Whan it 13 considered that the original construction cost of the Project only amounted to flS.OO per acra, as against the usual construction oost of from $40.00 ID $100.00 per aor_ on other projoota, it cannot ba greatly criticised because it i3not perfect in all its features. OPhBBTIOB. Extent o * SToject ;- One of the mat serious difficulties in the operation of the system is Ihe wide extent o f tha Pro jeet consisting as it does of twenty separate canals, with a total mileage including lateral3 of approximately 950 miles, distributed over a territory embracing about 1500 seuare miles. In an nndesvor to keep operating costs as low as consistent with good management^ ditch-riders hava been 3 erne- times compelled to cover too puch territory, rendering their inspection of tho ditches and ocntrol of the water flowing therein loss effective than 3hculd have boon the case. Distribution:- One of the .greateat diffioultiss.w. of operation whi ch confronted the Irrigation employees |