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Show March 12, 1951 0r. X* Eauftemn-Grinste-d $35 J&fth Ave«ne law lark, I. I* &sa? Sr# KauffanJini Tour kind letter of itech f , and its enclosure, eaae to hand i^iediately on our arrival at Washington, W wife and I regarded it as a nice welcome to us at our headquarters, I wish, first, to thank yen for the lovely reproductions derived from the Metropolitan l&seua yhieh %*e are keeping for the children* The postcards adk drassed to the two great rali^iouo dignitaries '-&11 te forwarded la due course* low let jse say how nuch w® hav© enjoyed yowr eot^ja«y and $rs, Rsnfitos2ifs, ?ha only shortcoming that X can think of in this sen-aaatlcn is that our s»eting was toe short* On the other hand* year ©harming personality, your asiahilit in showing us * round and yom remartehle Madness nade us t& 1 as if we had known you for years* This is the greatest cosplincni I can offer a friend, and X am snre that 1 can sail yon a goad friend. During cur Journey to the Vest, ve shall undoubtedly take lilt© consideration your volurMs suggestions. WahbaTa been proadaad a Bulek ixk about a week, encl this vill no doubt ho quite a help In our wanderings about Africa* tfa both hope, that ua shaH ba ahle to reciprocate ymir hoafitallty wham yott cone to Ig^at* He are definitely expecting you to esaae ami as* our lav fork associations in a such older country. % ^ie and 1 send yon and ft*®, RauffR&na our kindest r^fesafeancas and hast wishes ** and again very aaiy thanks, Ifeiws very ailKierely, ASAtsa Asls S* Atjya P.S», ~ tfader separate cover, 1 aa sending you the fifth century A*D* iaalari* in terra ootte« V& vifs baa also enclosed with It a asall ancient Egyptian anujet dating I think about 1200 B#C, This is an image of the God ISiacnis laty fashioned taarna creatures em a potter* s uball before the apirit of life oalae to -them. |