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Show "*• ^ /n F&eulty ef Lettera, Bulkeley, Alexandria, L'gypt, 24 nab., 1940. i^ear Dr Lauaate, I wiah te'tkaak you for tk« vary pleasant surprise vau have given me oy your kind letter of Jan. 23. Thia pleasure," j must aay, ia mixed with a san§$e of shame, ^ar it war I who* akoula. have written first r,ad long age ti thank you f«r your very &enereue bpeeultuR review ef say Later Crusfc.de, But in reality I e.ave feat* a r&tker k@etie time leaving Germany on the ©ye of tke war ana* being teaaee* about a goo* deal a^ter its outbreak. T*en I *;aa put in efearga ef a waoaeat history aeeti'ui in a new university «kiek'we are trying to build up ia thi» ane.ient university towa, tkeuoii its Material ppogreae is new ia the balance on account jf tka war and depleted budgeta. Ia addition, amonget P. wkele ee?t of minor but distracting items, I had to go on un expedition to explore eLSL in the wilderneaa ©f Sinai. l-«aw I x.\x»% congratulate you on yaur plan of a coiuprekenaive and definitive work on tke Jruaadea. . You can rest assured tket I will do &y ekmre&of kelpiag i@ tke realisation of tkie plan.irrea-pective of <eay financial return. I only hope tkat thia will give ae tku opportunity to eet inte eleaer touch witk tke medieval!ate of a country which kaa kad such an appeal to my imagination. I think yaur coauaittee ia not unwise in electing siada to aaaiat Hitti in tke iTwaluk chapters; but I firaly believe tkat yeu would gain a firat class eckalar if you could pereuade H.AJ. .Gibb (Oxford/ to collaoerate in soiae way with tke rest. Overlooking Greuaset ia a perfectly orderly Measure. It ia a pity Stevenson kaa turned philolegiat and left kietery now fete many years. Have you tried Ailliaa Miller for tka Uorea? He uaad to live at Athene, but I do not know how he ia situated with the war. if further auggaatioaa occur to ma, I ahall write again. At present I am ratker anxious not to withhold tkis first Message any longer. So far, tke war has kad no serious r^percussiona on My ew» work. Apart fro* varioua outlines wkick I &M preparing for Egyptian students &ad '-^kick have little or no value outaide thia country, I kepe te preduee something en Medieval Kgypt far a weli-knewa publisher. I BM also alewly pursuing the atudy of my own Celtic Church history, tout tkis ia a vary long and kaavy task. I am muck interested in wkat Krueger h&e to any about Levantine Oewaieroe, In tke ceure<£ of My work on tk® later Cruaade, I aaaaaed a considerable amount of material #ro« Eastern and Western sources on tkat subject, and frienda and farmer celleagues especially at Oxferd nave HTehyadn kbiandgl yy en ueb eeadeegn a rpiernie,ns fsBoiernlcgii enevgee atanodt j ,ab &rkien gtiYknaiguar uamp yM- etaaolt-td iaeatrienac. ep rete©l'y ,e ince |