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Show i ~ Conftantin TH GREA The Firft AQ ty Woma up jor v Scene 13 Conftantine fleeping in o Pavillion $200 Angels defcend with Banners i ' their handy ey trae Bl rtel M emigf This Motto, . B4 shoc figns bince," Wrir'ss G ld ' fors'zzezz b ¢ Heat Sing 1. Ang Here in this hallow'd ftreaming Gold -- The Profpe&t of thy Life behold:" Traofloon / and oune ' v‘ Wake: O Confantine ! awake;. 1 Or in thy {leep. the Profped k 'l‘ F" "A'jy:'c &'1 MU": Vop Emblem of a bleeding Love Shall both thy Crofs and Triumph prove For, alafs ! 'cis decreed by the Heavenly D om To purge thy paft Crimes, there's aTorme t to coma 2. Ang. Yet, after the Storm, believeinme,c No more difturb'd thy thouglhits fhall beyitiv But all Serene asa breathlefs Sea Chor. And flill thy Handmaid Victory here er'e thou go'ft, dhall wait en thee And allfhal end 1n Harmony 2) clawod vo o1 [ diworg saxla V 5300 poy avi 3. Anwg. [peaks. Awake, and ponder the Celeftial Sohfgon po b vow'd Converfion is delay*d ,299;;1@"% od doum yd bo o A |