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Show . A Fauft. Stay Sir, come back "I:have no' load UPON.Meamma But what you all may know : give me the Bo l : Pll drink it for my' Lové." Alas my Lord o Methinksonlaeft farewel , had not been m ch ; Exi But fince you judge it Sir unfit--J']] die Without complaining. Therefore tell my Love That my laft Pray'r was for hislife and yours Conft And bring the Bath take the Poifon: from her My Son fhall fee her die Spite of my vows, ‘fhe works my Lyon Hear And melts me into Love. How fares my. Faufta Fauff. Sir Conft. "Thy hand before we part for ever. F auft d. I amlof Dalm And Crifpus waits Conft. Why then fhe diesagen Hafte Pm vanquifh't. With a touch o'recom Wake Sir Whereare you Conft. Ha Dalm. Sylvefter's here: 55 Bring him in, bring him te my relief The earning of a Father comes upon me And my Soul longs to meet him. Fauffa, turn Turn thy bright Eyes on death: And carry fire T'o fcorch new Worlds; but warm the old no more. For here's the rifing Sun, to.eclipfe thy beams o Arius Call Crifpae hither, fince her Fates decreed >T'were juft he fhow'd be harden'd with the view She weeps agen And with the trick unmans me; y Hold Faufta _Enter Crifpus with Sylvefter i O Crifpas! Who that hasbeheld our diftance That infinite {pace that paflion. calt betwixt us Would ¢'re have thought we thus fhould meet agen Crifp. What can be added, Heav'n, to fuch akindnefs Conft. What Crifpas! What indeed to make it lafting See'ft thouthat fairone But hold, perhaps] have to death offended For finningbut 1in with: A dawning joy Shines in her Eyes, 'and revels in her {miles Which feem to tell me, we fhall both be happy Conft. Wouldft thou be b appy a0 thy Fathers Love Crifp. Judge me you Powers, it ‘thag be not my thought s LRS SR Crifp. Sir, you give me'hopes; Tho dafh't with fears The utmoft reach of miyextended Soul Whic |