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Show C 0NT'I ‘Wu‘ e ! | nti?ml o 'I'he Conquering Rival of my:ravifl?t Love ' ' ; ' ! s Arims, What, has your Sen-revealPd® " 20 ?{.x). HOTH - Conft. He f{ays fhe's falfe; but tells' | iten ww'ho Swears fhe's forefworn: And when [ fi:‘e hxm next P o | S 1 fhall know more Arwus. What if you never fee him Conft. Why doftthou ftart 2 Queftion fo vmlxkely 3 Arius. 1 cannot think he will betray his Fhmd i Ra wlper He who betrays his friend, betrays himifelf And rather than do that, 1 judge hie'll feave | hythere's € B mchad to Foot to mez yh Ar C;fl Knyo ' i, No | (nf. : z What other Love fhou'd wapm cntertam He has no Miftrefsfire o Conft. Thou feem'(t to hint As it he had: Mark dy Forcgomg words He who betrays his friend, betrays himfelf By Heav'n ! Thou haft (et my anxious Soulia'work For when thou faidft; he has no Miftrefs, fur Thy meaning was, o' take e think he had And that this Miftrefs could be none but F: m//h Arius. 1 hope, dread Sir, you will not wrelt my woxd And Innocent tbogghgs to any evil purpofe. "~ | fus, Sir 1o be fatish'd L the demonftration (nf, Both fhou'd blecd iy e,as(ure 25 e ar i f him, "twere facriledg isbe b tranfgrefs't; lelthe Conguell of hi by whole Empires Conff. What ¥t yotlr tricks agen ' Bé quicK iy Tmto And fpread at once thy double Heart bcfore gREL e remembrance of hi Doft thou not judgemy Son, his Father's Rival T ber death-bed, fh Ariug. 1t you would know my Heart, indeed, I dov' Conft. Why, what a Devil wert thou then to dcny' . So putifully play the Hypocrite; ~ And{crue that lying Facednto'a fhow / "i19vag Of.Innocence, When nature ftampt thee fora Villain Arins. Forgive me, Sir, if- T'avow" 'twas fear,' ' Not Villany that made me hide my- thouglit Conft." All fear, butfear of Heazv'n bct'ray5 a/ gutlb o U Ad guiltis Vxlhn But let rhyfie? ‘ *imp beft Care and Lov 4 4, What fhall b do | A_‘* (nf. Rewatd and H no - o, Jask no mo e; h t Produce what paft betwxt the wieled ipiap:; LIOGT. (PIVIRS S Shotv me th' Adulterefs and Adulterer Where, how and when, this Inceft was: Comnfitt‘cd‘ Who was the Infhument and Curfed Bl And damn'd conmver of their hon1c} Joxs Arius, Oh Heav'n ough gh tobturrn b ]'omakcmdm your fight, The Empue and; his' Love for ever Conft. Love, Arius! Ha'His Love ( Wha% Lovc ?'TG W Arius. Why Love to you : (nf L 101 atch 10 f*(‘;'x - nistli 90 92 1* Aph 24 ~ Conft. O Hell! For there fhalt tbon‘Be*hm‘l?d'; o saddor ot om werl An¢ roft in Sulphur, if Thou not telf e all' a n b o n v 1d a'"' ThOtf rch tho at th Pml e tom of th bufinefs . %y and |