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Show 56 NORTH CHINA MISSION or church at home frequently spends one hundred thousand dollars on a single building, occasionally much more, while ten thousand for a building in China is sought in vain. Ten thousand dollars a year is spent in a college town for candy, while it is regarded as extraordinary that three thousand is given by the students to missions. What are you going to do about it? When, as in TIENTSIN, one man has charge of the boys' school, the oversight of the church work, the representation JOBS °f t n e nrission in any union enterprise, the WORTH touring through the country field, and the TACKLING countless unclassified tasks that must be done in every station, is it any wonder that recruits for general evangelistic work are called for? In the city of Tientsin, with a population of over a million, there are only two missionary doctors. In the province of Shansi, with its population of twelve million, there are only nine doctors. The American Board, acting iu cooperation with the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, expects to appoint s ix new physicians to North China, if the men can be found/ With the population of China fairly evenly divided between men and women, and the women greatly averse to calling in a male physician except as a resort of desperation, is it any wonder that women doctors have been asked for for years and years? The wonder is that there is not more response. And with that same proportion of men and women, and women in a small minority iu all the churches, it is perfectly easy to understand why women are asked for for direct evangelistic work for women, and as teachers to train the young womanhood of China to evangelize their sisters. Is not the request of PEKING that an additional woman be added to the two women who are now working directly for the million aud a half of women aud girls in its field sufficiently modest? When in TECHOW alone, 2000 letters of a business nature were written by the two doctors and one nurse who comprise the hospital staff, iu the year 1914, is it any wonder that calls are going home for stenographers who can release trained specialists to give their time mainly to their work, for which they have been trained? Or for accountants, who can, with ease, handle the accounts in six different currencies that consume the time and the strength of many evan- |