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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. LXXI A11 of the foregoing is upon the condition that Congreaa will make an appropria-tion of funds necessary to aceompliah the foregoing, rsnd confirm this rsgreemant; and a!so, with theunderstanrliug that Chief Moms or any of tho Indians heretofore mentioned shalluot be required to remove to the Colville Reservation until Congress does make saoh appropriation, &o. H. M. TELLER, Swetary of ths Inlnim. his GEORGE X HEEEWG, Intwpreter for the I&M. mark H. PRICE, Commiadiaer Indian affair^. MOSES, his X mark. TONASKET, his X mark. SAR-SARP-KIN, his X mark. J. F. SRERWOOD, Interpreter for the Gooernmt. FRANK D. BALDWIN. . Captain FiftA Infantry. This agreement, if ratified by Dongress, will restore to the public do. main some 2,243,040 acres, in addition to the 749,200 acres restored by the Executive order of February 23,1883, upon terms favorable to the Go\.ernment, and for the best interests of the Indians themselves. ENOCE SUIQUOWYA AND THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. This Inclian, with others of the Spokanes, settled upon and improved lands in Washington Territory outside of any reservation, which were found to be within the grant to the Northern Pacific Railway Compa,ny. The company, desiring these lands, offered to pay Enoch the sum of $1,000 for his improvements, notwithstanding the fact that he had no valid title. Although this sum was probably the full value of the im-provements, I urged upon the company the propriety and good policy of paying him a sum which would fully compensate him for the loss of the land as well as the improvements. - The company, in compl: 7a~~ce with this request, thereupon paid him the sum of $3,000, And then per-mitted him to remove wch improvements as he desired. This insrance ofjust and liberal dealing with the Indians on the part of this corpwa-tion I deem worthy of note, and commend it as an example to other corporations and individuals. c I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. PRIDE, Cowmissioner. The Hon. SECRETAROYF T HE INTFIEIOR. 0 |