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Show f REPORT OF THE COMIfISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIR8 XV in accol*da.ncew ith instructions contained in your letter of December 2 last. These rules prohibit the sun-dance, scalp-dance and war.dance, polygamy, theft, &c., and provide for the organization at each agency - of a tribunal composed of India~ise mpowered to try all cases of inliac-tiox of the rules. Printed copies of the rnles have been sent to the vari-ous United States Indian agencies (except the agency for the five civ-ilized tribes), with instrnctions to agents to nominate the judges pro-vided for therein. Ma,ny of the agents have as yet been unable to or-ganize the court; some asking for further time, others reporting their inability to secure the services of proper men to fill the posit,ions, the larger proportion. however, assigning as a reason for the delay that t.11eir Indians posit,irely refuse to aocept a position as judge unless their serv-ices in that capacity are paid for by the Government. If this latter ob-jectiou were removed, and an ap~~ropriatiomua de for the payment of n I stated salary for the judges, say $20 per month, I am of the opinion tbat the 'Lcourt of Indian offenses," with some few modifications: could be placed in successful operation at the various agencies, and thereby many of the barbarous customs now existing among the Indians would be entirely abolished. There is no good reason why an Indian should be permitted to indulge in practices which are alike repugnant to wmmon decency and morality; aud the preservation of good order on the resersatious demands that some active measures should be take11 to disconrage and, if possible, put a stop to the demoralizing influence of heathenish rites. Wit11 this end in view the several courts are to be organized; but if it is de-sired to carry this plan into snccessful operation,it is absolntely necessary that some arrangement be made to pay a reasonable compensatinn to those who are to be called upon to reside as judges. I therefore recom-mend that the matter be submitted to Congress, askibg an appropria-tion of $50,000 to be used in paying the salaries of t,he judges, a.t the rate of $20 each per month, the snrplns to be used in pa.yi11:. other expenses incide~t~ot t he organization of the court and the employmel~t of such officers as may be found necessary to carry out and execute the . various orders and decrees of the coort. In my opinion the appropriation for this purpose would be in the line of eeonomy, in that it would avoid msluh of the expense heretofore in. curred by the Government in its eEorts to suppress offenses which now come under the rules referred to. ALLOTMENT OF LANDS IN SETERALTY, AND PATENTS. During the year f i f t~onec ertificates of allotments have been issued to the Pa,wnees, nuder the provisions of the fifth section of tho act of April 10, IS76 (19 Stat., 30). and nineteen to the Chippewas of the Mis-sissippi, on the White Earth Reservatiou; under the provisions of the seventh article of the treaty of March 10,1867 (16 Stat.., 721). Patents have been issued as follows: To the Chippewas of Lake Superio~ |