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Show XVIII EEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. are as much needed to determine the rights of settlers as to protect the I interests of the Indians. In the fulfillment of treaty stipulations and in carr) ins out the getleral policy of the Government in settling the Illdia~lso n individual allot-ments, it is necessarr that arable lands within certa~u reservations be subdivided, an(1 it is important in some cases that this be done atonce; yet there is not a dollar arailable for this special purpose, although it was iutended that a considerable portion of the $,100,000 estimated for should be used ill that way. RAILROADS UPOX INDIAN RESERVATIONS. Resuming my annual history of railroad operations in connection with Indian reservations, I report as follows: Choctaw and Chickasaw Count~yI,n dian T&to.y.-Saint Louis and &an Francboo Rai2rorrd.-In compliance with section 5 of the act of Congress of August 2,lSS" granting a right of way to the Saint Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company through the lar~dso f the Choe-tnv and Chickasaw Indians, the company signified its acceptance of the provisions of the act, a11d Bled a map of prelilninary survey in the Department withili'the time prescribed by the act. Crow Reserre in 3fontana.-Northern Pan'fic RaBroad.-In compli-ance with the terms of the act ot Congress approved July 10,1882, the N rthern Pacific Railroad Company, on the 23d of Angust, 1882, paid into theTreasury of the United States the sum of $25,000, appropriated by said act in payment for the lands relinquished to the United States by the Crow Indians, under the agreement of August 22,1881. Denih Lake Reserve, Dakota, Jmestown and Northern Railroad (xorthm Pac<fic Railroad).-On the 6th June last the De.pa.rtment re-ferred to this Office a map filed by the Jarnestown arld Northern Rail-road Company showing the definite locatio~of~ its line of road from a point on the northern line of Stutsm'au Couuty, Dakota Territory, to a poiut at the west end of Devil's Lake, in Ramsey Connt~.D, a,kota Ter-ritory, passing through the Devil's Lake India11 l<eservatio~fo~r a dis-tance of some nine or ten miles. The treaty of February 19,1807, wit11 the Sissetou and Wahpetou Iudisns, by which this reservation is estab-lixhed, contaius a provision authorieing the construction of railroads. I11 reporting upon said map, I recommended that action betaken similar to that authorized by the Department in 1880 in the case. of the appli-cation by the Lake Traverse and Jamestomn Railroad Comphng aud the Chica.go, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company for right of way across the Lake Twrersc reserve (e~ta.blishedun der Pame treaty), and that the agent at Devil's Lake be directed to couvene a. council of t,he Indians for the purpose of arranging the measure of compensatioe to be paid to them b,y the compauy for the privilege required. Under dlte 26th June last, the Department concurred in this reeo~nmendntion |