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Show Have calm d the Seas,md hufh't the raging Winds- While I beheld thee thus divinely fair, I muft defire ; and what dcfirc, Enjoy. • Lue, Oh Infolence ! Is't thus you treat your Gucfts ? Thus that you Ibew your hofpitable Mind ? Is't not enough m y Sifter has been ruin'd, Been tempted to difhonour by your Jfiles ? Wou'd you have m e as Infamous as her ? The Scorn oi Cyprus and her Sexes Shame. PhorJ. If like another Vtnut, to Command This Paphian ljk, and be like her ador'd ; 7f this is ruin in a W o m a n s eyes; Thy Sifter is undone, and fo fhalc thou be; I'll fet thee high above the Envious Croud, Superiour as in Beauty fo in State, Selected thro' the World, a thoufand Slaves With m e the humbleft Creature of thy Will, Shall wait upon thy Nod, and fitl thy Train. Luc. Can Wealth or Grandeur give m e back m y Friend, M y Brother, and the honour of our Hoxsh ? Urge m e no more,The*SbundofLove from thee Strikes m e with horror; and confounds m y Soul. Phor. I know Virotto is your darling wifb: The Sound from him were pleafing to your Ear: O h Choice, moft Elegant! The man indeed Is Jealous, Faithlefs, Barbarous and Poor, Rough as the Waves on which he has been bred; But he is young and lufty, has been us'd T o guide the Sturdy Helm and ply the Oar ; He'll Crufh thee with his iron Arms, and bruifc - Thy tender Limbs with eveiy rude embrace. Luc. While thou wert innocent, thy Friend was honeft, Brave, Nob'e, Generous, Gallant and Sincere; None but Virotto then deferv'd m y Heart: H o w is it he fo foon has loft his worth, Is he fincc alter'd ? H a s he fuice abos'd Another |