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Show ( ?o ) For labour ufelefs, yet to labour forc'd By Whips and Staves, till O h the guilty Price / M y freedom by the Nobleft blood was purchased. Iffa. What have I heard, it muft, it muft be his, Oh all you Pow'rs / whoever was fb wretched T o blefs m y Husbands Butcher with his joys, And fleep contented in the Tray tors Arms. And how canft thou eXcufe thy guilt, as done Without thy knowledge or confent ? 'tis falfe, Hadft thou conftilted with thy reafbn more, Or hearkned to the Vifions of thy fear, Which check'd the guilty Raptures of the Night, And mingled with thy fbft polluted Dreams- This truth had fboner been reveal'd, and Fate Finifh'd ; the bufinefs of this bloody hour, Say / and, if Life can tempt thee, be fincere, Say ! was not he whole tendernefs and care Inclin'd thee once to pkty ; was not he The fame whofe Noble blood thy hand has lpilt ? Jop. M a d a m , m y Life depends upon m y filence, Bound by a facred Oath to keep the fecret; Which to unfold, wou'd throw you to defpair, Spoil your new Pleafiires, and Eternal Peace. Iffa. I dare not ask him more, for ev'ry word Difcovers what is death for m e to know, And not to know it worfe. Confefs by whofe Commiflion thou haft done A deed ev'n blacker than thy Odious F,prm; Yet have a care to o w n the Crime was thine, For by the Horrors of m y Guilt, I fwear By him whofe gaping wounds arefrefh before m e ; M y vengeance fhall be terrible to Fame, And future Ages tremble at the ftory. Speak, is Phorfano, is ray Husband guiltlefs ? Jop. Her Husband, can I hear that word and kve .<? |