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Show ( ^7) Phor. H o w long ha« Fortune dealt fo bafcly by thee ? Jop. T o o long, if but a Day, to live in Bonds. Phor. W h o made thee firft a Slave ? Jop. T h e M a n you Love, H e took m e in the Ship with one w h o now Lyes bury'd in the Deep, till then m y Fate W a s kinder, but I mult not here complain. Phor. Has he diftinguifh'd thee from other Slaves T o ufe thee ill J? Confefs, and I perhaps M a y find a way to right thy felf and me. Jop. If want, inceflant toil, if whips and wounds Are reafbn of complaint, there's not a wretch W h o lefs deferv'd or fuffer'd more than I; Till m y la ft Service rais'd m e from the Oar T o taft of eafe, and to m y pains return. Phor. From him indeed thou muft expect the worft, Thou know'ft his Guilt, and whilftthou liv'ft his Soul Can ne're have peace, nor while he breaths will mine. « Thou canft not hate him, nor art injur'd more Tho' Prudence, Intereft and Revenge require His Life from thee ; or thine is not fecure. This to encourage thee I give thee now : [Gold. T o Africa or Afia I'll tranfport thee With Wealth above thy wifh or expectation. By thee this Night he Dyes. Jop. ThisjNight, m y Lord. Phor. This Hour 1 faw him pafs to yon Apartment. Wait his return, befure thou doft not fail, And when the deed is done retire to me, Fie fee thee fafe, and well reward thy Service.- \Exk. Jop. If 'twere allow'd us to difpute with Heav'n, W e might now argue w h y the Murd'rer lives, WWNohhryy NLtaihtgeuh Ertaenr iitnnhgt soy dwaoiw lnndos t Cn obolntav ftutol,E f i ninoov2rno lsTvAheau rnhtdi emr qsu itecakr, him, to |