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Show 102 THE GOLDEN IIOUR. us to-day. It ·v;ould not be long before tho very men who now think that they would be willing to have the Union with lavery in it back again, woulcl shriek out Anathema ll[aranat/la upon every n1an ·who had a hand in such a result. X VII. TIIE DIAL OF GRO,VTIIS. IN the Palais-Royal Gardens at Paris thoro is a dial, with a small cannon attached. \Vhon the sun ri cs to tho meridian hojght, tho cannon is fired, a sun-glass having been so arranged as to concentrate tho ray for that purpo o. Not far fro1n this is another dial, arranged on the same principle with tho celebrated one made by Linnmus at Upsal: flowers thoro arc which close, and others which unfold, at various periods of the day, and thus the hours are marked. Thu the sa1no sun which in one spot announces its ascent to the zenith by the cannon's roar, in another noisclos ly traces its progress and cuhnination by the closing up of old and the unfolding of new growth ·. Ideas, sun-like, have al o their dawn, their a cent, and their culn1ination. One world lies about us where .. THE DIAL OF GROWTH . 103 ideas proclaitn their advance through the grinl mouth of the cannon. Power.·, partie,', in tore. ts, haYe 0 set their gla ·so--, that fiery Liberty vivifyino· Pr al · ~ c1· . . . ' b :..~ pt lLY, ra 1- ant Fraternity, r1 ·1ng, <la\vn over dawn, upon tho worlcl are re pon.dcd. to by the roar of battle. But sofLly' about us he another worlcl, ju which acl vancing Truth traces it. steps of light in the closing up of old errors and the unfolding of new truths. Frmn the noi 'Y thunders of the cannon-dial, _ from the din of tho voices ·which cry, Lo hero ! Lo there ! _ let us turn for a while, and. trace so far as we can the hour as it tands in that kingdom which cometh not \vith outward show. Tho leaclors and rna ses enli ted in the Southern rebellion have no 1norc to do with that rebellion than the fantoccini of a pnppot-sho\v have to do with their own attitudes and dances. The present attituuc 'of Slavery i the direct and inevitable result of tho attitude of Liberty. The Satanic pre s throughout the country i1nplorcs that tho anti lavery agitators shall be cnt to Fort Warren · ' Par ·on Brownlo·w wi ·hos to bury thon1 in a ditch ; tho allegation being, that they have caused the rc.bcllion, and arc 1naking a union after tho old pattern impos ·iblc. Now, this i about as far a the Devil ever soc. . IIo i. shrewd enough up to a certain li1ni t ; after that he i. as blind a a bat. It i · a. certainly true that antislavery agitation caused this rebellion, as that Slavery caused |