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Show 144 THE GOLDEN HOUR. ebbs a'vay to-day whore no hand is ncar to soothe, no kind one ncar to rocoi vo tho last sigh, and treasure for tho dear ones at hon1o tho last me sage of love! You are our President, and, in a sacred cnsc, the c arc all your children ; and now yon seem to 1nc like one whose name you boar, and \Vho, in obedience to the first Voice which he hoard, laid. hi Lelovcd son upon the altar of the IIigho 't ; but when thus his faith 'vas proved, lo, an angel appeared, and cried, tay thy hand! and the angel pointed to a brute ·which God had provided for that sacrifice in place of his son. Father, you have done well in obeying the first voice \vhich called for the painful sacrifice of your own children ; but li ton well, I itnplore you, if there be not an angel of peace crying, Stay thy hand ! Watch \Yell if there be not a shining finger pointing to the BRUTE which, and which alone, God hath provided for the sacrifice of this hour! SURSU.M COl~DA. 145 XXI. SURSU~f CORDA. LEADEN is the casket before us, and on it is written, "Who chooscth me must give and hazard all he hath." Leaden, meagre, and pale; but he is a fool who would choo e the caskets of gold and sil vcr in its place ; for it contains LIBERTY. Bresq net, jester to Francis I., kept a Calendar of Fools. vVhcn Charles V., confiding in the generosity of Francis, pa · ·cd through France to appease the rebellion of Gaunt, Bre q uet put that Emperor into the Calendar of Fools. IIis king a ·ked hin1 the cause. lie answered, " Becan e you have suffered at the hands of Charles the greatest bitterness that ever prince did from another ; nevertheless, he would trust his person into your hand ." ""\Vhy, Brc ·quct," said the king, " ·what \Yilt thou say if thou sccst hin1 pass back in as great safety as if he marched through the midst of Spain." Said Bresquct, " Why, then I will put him out of the Calendar of Fools, and put you in." IIititory also keeps a Calendar of Fools. It has already a cribed it to the insanity and folly, which, thank God, form such large con1posite parts of all evil, that Slavery has cast off its legal protec ... 7 J |