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Show 150 THE GOLDEN HOUR. cYil, but bccau. c the c Border tate negroes arc to be our gnaranLic. of g ocl faith to tho 1noro Southern n cgr c ; they arc to be both our banners hung out upon tho outer \Vall , and our t elegraph lin s a long which the electric \Vord of Liberation shall ila 'h. An<l here i just where all these conuscation-bills ·will accon1pli. ·h nothing real. lDvcry ·lave \Youlll ·co that 'rrtunbnll's bill \voulJ. end in a tran . .C r of nut ·Lor,, - and. he \voula uoL rc. pond to it. 'V c n1u 't not forg t, that between u and tho ·c N egroc , there . tand our n1odiatorial ~Iarylandcr ·, and clarling pet,', the Kentuckian , -ju t syn1pathcLic enough \ViLh scccdors to buy up claiinS to auu descriptions of running slaves, juf't star-spangled enough to get back the san1c fro1n free lines or tatcs, - an<l fron1 these Border tate as fro1n au ark, when the deluge ub ·i<Icd, the outh ·would be repopulated \vith the an1c 'lave . Ilavc you, friend, in these late n1onLhs, sat in the gallery of Oongrcs , heart-sick, hearing everything di ·en cd but the right thing ? 'rho hour-lu'lnd wheels round and round, and above the clock sits the l\fnso with n1otionlcss pen, the very bronze eye au that no true 1novctncnt could she record on her scroll. Oonfi 'Cation, forfeiture, colonization,- the Southern white n1an laughs at these, the black 1nan cannot hear thc1n. Docs the N cgro wi h to be exiled ? Or docs he wi h to cotnc North to be kept in jail till two \vitae ·cs prove hi 1nastcr a traitor ? ~fy countrytncn, you \valk a cy1nitar-briugc to 'UUS ~1 COHDA. 151 Your Paradi.·c, and tllc 1u't.1 1 ows o f 11 0 11 underneath re-ceive hi1n who .·Lops one inch, as 1nuch a. hiin who step.· a yard, a:i(lc. .it tin o· there, I "\Vas rcinindcd of ho\v an old. uncle of our neighborhood. 1vonl<l qtdz us. "Boy~," he ·aid " I . , once, got a letter fron:1 a little hoy to-day and - ]1 a, 11 a .' -how do you tlu.n k he . pelt dog?" 'T hen we all rna de our guo. ·scs,- doo·O' uoao· docrO'c dot·o-oo' (. b' bb ' b. At la.t, \vhcn \VC have cxl tanstcll our ingenuity, the old nn lc quietly replies, "\Vhy, he spclt it d-o-g, of cou1-. c." J nst as idly and a,' childi ·hly arc our rulers trifling \vith the ·acrcd hours, to co if somcthino- cl ·c b cannot be n1adc to wjclu the divine poll of simple JUSTI E. You arc praying for and talking of the coming man. '\Vould he find faith in the land? Arc you quite sure you would not crucify hitn- or han()' him b ' a the Atncrican way i -should ho come ? 'rhat is what the J cws did \vj th their Coming ~ian, after they had been praying IIcavcn to send hin1 for fonr thousand years. Two year ago the wild, half-clad forerunner of our co1ning 1nan, whose meat was ·wild honey, was heard in the \vildcrncss of Virginia, and his head was brought in a charger to lavery: so much it co t hi1n to declare the axe laid to the root of the accursed tree. IIow li ttle docs this nation know \Yhat a rjo-ht and true man, should he break into our mid t, would do with us! Little sec we the piled shreds of broken red-tape, -liLLie the moun- |