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Show Department of English -acuity sponsor Peter Martin IMPROVING THE GRAMMAR AND ORGANIZATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS IN THE UTAH TRAFFIC LAB Lisa Hadley, (Peter Martin) Departments of Civil Engineering/English For the last year and a half, I have worked with Dr. Peter T. Martin in the Utah Traffic Lab. The majority of the students in the traffic lab are graduate students who study, create and carry out transportation projects. As the only English major and editor in the lab, my role is significantly different. I work with Dr. Martin and the students in the lab to improve the grammar, style and organization of their work. Funding is largely dependent on how well a propose project is presented. Making sure a paper is well-written plays a major role in this. Even if a project is well thought out and meticulously studied, its point cannot be effectively conveyed if the grammar is poor or the ideas are not succinctly expressed. My role in the lab is to work together with Dr. Martin in evaluating students' work and offering suggestions for improvement. Since I am a humanities student with little to no experience in transportation engineering, I am able to give feedback to the students about how to make their work more accessible to a general audience; that is, I am able to explain which terms or concepts I do not understand and that need further explanation. Working together with Dr. Martin, I am able to aid the students in improving the quality of their work. |