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Show posters on the hill 0K Wisdom That Comes With Age: Patterns Between '"'" ; SCC, Age and Integration of Agency and ('omnium ,'¦ Luke Hanley, Monisha Pasupathi Department of Psychology u ! Questionnaire data was gathered from seniors and college students Patterns iteration is a peak development us one kind of wisdom. Agency Themes Communion Theme (self serving drives) (intimacy drives) Age trends of Integrated themes Age trends of Integrated themes of Agency and Communion of Agency and Communion Integrating Agency and Communion: One Kind of Age and Wisdom thing about who they are as a person. Correlations between the motivations behind these experiences and the age of the participant, as well as the self concept clarity (SCC) of the participant were then assessed. As was predicted, older adults reported more integrated motivations than did young adults, and the integrated themes were positively correlated with SCC scores. The correlation between the SCC and integrated themes shows that individuals reporting integrated motivations have more coherent and stable self concepts. Older adults have more life experience and less social pressure to achieve for only themselves which together provide a model of why they report more integrated motivations than young adults. Because these integrations seem to represent a developmentally advanced way of engaging the world, and require an understanding of the pragmatics of life, we consider them a form of wisdom that comes with age. Future study will focus on understanding the relationship between integrated motivations and other outcomes such as self-esteem, and well being. Luke Hanley, Monisha Pasupathi Department of Psychology X eople engage life in many different ways. Some are driven to succeed in business, some are driven to create and maintain a family, while some strive to be of benefit to others in anyway they can. Categorizing motivations that guide behavior is a long studied area of research, but far from complete. In this study motivations for behavior that are correlated with the most positive outcomes are explored, such as high reports of self-esteem, well being, and identity development. We predict that integrating motivations centered on personal gain, with motivations for intimacy and interconnectedness with others will represent the healthiest ways to engage life. To test this, participants were asked to write about an experience they had in the past month that represented some- |