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Show ,. [4-4] rational manner; and I had the honour of" communicating this inftruetion to that honourable gentleman then minil'ter. (L ‘Nould they do this for a Britifh concern; as luppofe a war in fome part of Europe, that did not affect them .9 A. Yes, for any thing that concerned the general intereflt. They confider them[elves as a part of the whole. {L ‘vVhat is the ufual confiitutional manner of calling on the Colonies for fllLlS P A. A letter from the fecretary of Prate. Q Is this all you mean, a letter from the lecretary of Rate? A. I mean the ufual way of requifition, in a circular letter from the fecretary of Hate, by his lVlajel'ty's command, reciting the occafion, and recommending it to the Colonies to grant fuch aids as became their loyalty, and were fuitable to their abilities. Q; Did the fecretary of Prate ever write {or money for the Crown P A. The requifitions have been to raife, clothe and pay men, which cannot be done without money. Q Would they grant money alone, if called on P A. In my opinion they would, money as well as men, when they have money, or can make it. Q-Jf "L 45 l Q. If the parliament lhould repeal the vitamp-aét, will the allembly of Pennfyl- vania refcind their reiolutions P A. I think not. Q.~ Before there was any thought of the {lamp-act, did they with for a reprefentation in parliament? A. No. Q Don't you know that there is, in the Pennfylvania charter, an exprefs referva- tion of the right of parliament to lay taxes there P A. I know there is a claufe in the charter, by which the King grants that he will levy no taxes on the inhabitants, un,. lefs it be with the confent of the aflembly, or by aét ofparliament. 0\.H0w then could the allembly of Pennfylvania allert, that laying a tax on them by the {lamp-aft was an infringement of their rights 3 A. They underftand it thus; by the fame charter, and otherwile, they are intitled to all the privileges and liberties of Englifhmen; they find in the great charters, and the petition and declaration of rights, that one of the privileges of En- glifh liibjeéts is, that they are not to be taxed but by their common confent; they have therefore relied upon it, from the fir‘ft lettlement of the province, that the PST: |