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Show [ 6 ] [7] chants compute the imports from Britain to be above 500,000 Pounds. A. Yes, Ihave heard that it has been Q What may be the amount of the greatly obftruéted by fome new regula- produce of your province exported to Bri- tions, and by the Englifh men of war tain ? and cutters flationed all along the coafl: in America. A. It mufl: be final], as we produce (L Do you think it right that America little that is wanted in Britain. I fuppofe it cannot exceed 40,000 Pounds. Q. How then do you pay the balance? fhould be protected by this country, and pay no part of the expence? A. The balance is paid by our produce carried to the Weft-Indies, and fold in our own iflands, or to the French, Spa- nies raifed, cloathed and payed, during the hit war, near 25000 men, and fpent niards, Danes and Dutch; by the fame many millions. Q Were you not reimburfed by parlia- carried to other colonies in North-Ame- rica, as to New-England, Nova-Scotia, Newfoundland, Carolina and Georgia; by the fame carried to different parts of Europe, as Spain, Portugal and Italy. In all which places we receive either money, bills of Exchange, or commodities that fuit for remittance to Britain; which, together with all the profits on the induftry of our merchants and mariners, arifing in thofe circuitous voyages, and the freights made by their (hips, center finally in Bri- tain to difcharge the balance, and pay for Britifh manfaétures continually ufed in the province, or fold to foreigners by our traders. (L Have you heard of any difficulties lately laid on the Spanilh trade? A. Yes, A. That is not the cafe. The C010- ment P A. We were only reimburfed what, in your opinion, we had advanced beyond our proportion, or beyond what might reafonably be expected from us; and it was a very finall part of What we fpent. Pennfylvania, in particular, difburfed about 500,000 Pounds, and the reimburfe- ments, in the Whole, did not exceed 60,000 Pounds. Q You have faid that you pay heavy taxes in Pennlylvania; what do they amount to in the Pound? A. The tax on all efiates, real and perfonal, is Eighteen Pence in the Pound, fully rated; and the tax on the profits of trades and profeflions, with other taxes, do, I fuppofe, make full Half a Crown in the Pound. QDO |