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Show [ 28 ] [ 29 ] (L_Would the people at Boflon dill- continue their trade P tinue in the office, and I think it impofl'i- number, compared with the body of the ble to find fub-difiributors fit to be trufied, who, for the trifling profit that mull: come to their (hare, would incur the people, and mull difcontinue their trade, if nobody will buy their goods. . attend it; and if they could be found, I Q What are the body of the people in the Colonies P think it impracticable to protect the fiamps in {0 many dif'cant and remote A. They are farmers, hufbandmen or places. ' (L But in places Where they could be A. The merchants are a very {mall planters. ' (L Would they fufi'er the produce of their lands to rot? A. No; but they would not raife {'0 much. They would manufacture more, odium, and run the hazard that would protected, would not the people ufe them rather than remain in fucha fituation, un- able to obtain any right, or recover, by law, any debt? and plough lefs. QLWould they live without the ad- A. It is hard to fay what they would do. I can only judge what other people minifiration of jufiice in civil matters, and, will think, and how they will aét, by {utter all the inconveniencies of fuch a what I feel within myfelf. fituation for any confiderable time, rather many debts .due to me in America, and I than take fuppofing the had rather they Ihould remain unreco- fiamps were protected by a fuflicient force, where every one might have them? A. I think the fuppofition impraética- verable by any law, than fubmit to the It is my opinion the people will either- ble, that the fiamps ,fhould be f0 protected continue in that fituation, or find fome as that every one might have them. the fiamps, I have a great Itarnp-aét. They will be debts of honour. The way to extricate themfelves, perhaps by act requires fub-difl'ributors to be ap- generally agreeing to proceed inJ the pointed in every county town, dif'rrié'c and courts Without f'tam s. village, and they would be necefTary. But the principal difiributors, who were to (L. What do you think a fuflicient military force to protect the dif'rribution of the {lamps in every part of America? . have had a confiderable profit on the Whole, have not thought it worth while to C011", ‘ tinuc A. |