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Show .1 [ 32 i [ 33 J could oblige the parliament to repeal eVery external tax-law now in force P A. It is hard to anfwer quef'cions of what people at fuch a difiance will think. Q But what do you imagine they will think were the motives of repealing the act 3' A. I fuppofe they will think that it was repealed from a conviction of its ina any ad laying a {mall tax,- contrary to their opinion, would they fubmit to pay the tax P A. The proceedings of the people in America have been confidered too much together. The proceedings of the allem- blies have been very diflierent from thofe of the mobs, and fhould be diltinguifhed, as having no connection with each other. expediency; and they will rely upon it, ~-The allemblies have only peaceably re- that while the fame inexpediency fubfif'rs, you will never attempt to make fuch another. (L What do you mean by its inexpen diency P A. I mean its inexpediency on feveral accounts; the poverty and inability of thofe who were to pay the tax ; the gene4i ral difcontent it has occafioned ;‘ and the folved what they take to be their rights ; they have taken no meafures for oppolition by force ; they have not built a fort, railed a man, or provided a grain of ammunition, in order to fuch; oppofition.--The ringleaders of riots they think ought to be punifhed ; they would punifh them them- felves, if they could. Every fober, fen- the legillature {hourIld fhew its refentment fible man would Willi to fee rioters pu- nilhed, as otherwife peaceable people have no fecurity of perfon or eftate. But as to an internal tax, how final} foever, laid by to the oppofers of the Ramp-act, would the legiflature here on the people there, impraéticability of enforcing it. Q. If the act {hould be repealed, and the Colonies acquiefce in the authority of would do P . A. I don't doubt at all, that if the le-' while they have no reprefentatives in this legiflature, I think it will never be fubmitted to.--They will oppofe it to the lath-- They do not confiderit as at all necellary for giflature repeal the {lamp-act, the C010- you to raife money on them by your taxes, the legiflature ? What is your opinion they nies will acquiefce in the authority. becaufe they are, and always have been, 0; But if the legiflature {hould think ready to raife money by taxes among fit to afcertain its right to lay taxes, by themfelves, and to grant large fums, equal any to their abilities, upon requifition from 11‘ the |