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Show [ r 1 ' I 23 l (L Was not the fcarcity of gold and filver an argument ufed againft abolilhlng the paper 5" A. I fuppofe it was. . ‘ (L What is the prefent Opinion there of that law? Is it as unpopular as it was A. A total lofs of the refpeét and affeétion the people of America bear to this country, and of all the commerce that depends on that refpeét and affection. Q How can the commerce be affeéted? A. You will find, that if the act is not at firfi P . A. I think it is not. . Have not infiruétions from hence manufactures in a fhort time. been fometimes fent over to governors, them 3 highly oppreffive and unpolitical? (L Is it in their power to do Without A. I think they may very well do es. without them. . Have not fome governors difpenfed with them for that reafon P A. Yes; Ihave heard f0. (L Did the Americans ever difpute the controuling power of parliament to regulate the commerce ? A. No. (L Can any thing lefs than a military force carry the {lamp-ac‘t into execution P A. Ido not fee how a military force can be applied to that purpofe. (L Vl'l‘iy may it not ? A. Suppofe a military force fent into America, they will find nobody in arms ; what are they then to do? They cannot force a, man to take {tamps who chufes to do without them. repealed, they will take very little of your They will not find a rebellion; they may indeed make one. (L, If the act is not repealed, what do you think will be the confequences P (L Is it their intereft not to take them ? A. The goods they take from Britain are either neceiTaries, mere conveniences, or fuperfluities. The firf't, as cloth, &c. with a little induftry they can make at home; the fecond they can do without, till they are able to provide them among themfelves ; and the lafi, which are much the greateft part, they will {trike ofl‘ im~ mediately. They are mere articles of fafhion, purchafed and confumed, becaufe the fafhion in a refpeéted country, but will now be detelled and rejected. The people have already {truck ofic, by general agreement, the ufe of all goods fafhionable in mournings, and many thoufand pounds worth are fent back as unfaleable. (L Is it their interefl: to make cloth at home ? A. I AI |