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Show Hannibal's Overthrow Like Day I'll dart him through and through'; I will To cure my honour, I my Love wiil kil Kdl her my felf, cut piece-meal all her Charms War how 1t founds / away, to Arms, to Arm Let's go where the Illuftrions scipio calls Tl be the firlt fhall fcale proud Carthage Walls Wing'd with ou Glory come my Friends, let's ffy To conquer bravely, or as bravely die Lel. Spokelike your felf; thus we our homage pay So look'd Achilles when Troy loft the day Var. Fierce and majeftick as young Mars, you ftan "Iis fit that look, this Africk thould command K. Maf.. As Lovers, big with expe&ation My Soul to Battel does .all fiery turn burn - Swift as the Gods, in hafte out-ftrips the Wind And leaves the Courfers of the day behind Yet ftay; methinks I am uneafie ftill What real pleafure canit be to kill Lel, Frail Prince! how wavering all his A&ions be By Pafiions tofs'd in Love's tempeftuous Sea War fires the brave K. 2af. Yet War contralts a guilt And the brave .grieve when many Lives are fpilt Love like a Monarch, merciful and young Shedding no-Blood, efleminates the ftrong But War does like a-Tyrant vex us more ‘And breaks thofe Hearts 5 which Love did melt before [ Exeunt AC H SCENE. Enter Scipio, X. Maffinifla,Maflina,Menander, Lelius and Varro o Sci The Camp Lel. Your will exaltly was obey'd Scip. 1 hear, my gallant Friend, and grieve to hear That you the Chains of Sophonista wear dn Glory's School you had the foremoft Name . Skilld in he dak Lerious-Beek-of Fame Di |