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Show U‘73}'.!‘, . o 00, | .‘ \' (e I‘" -..:r Than lawful Mirth js le dnefs in 2 Bride, Y Or Neatnefs in 2 Veltal Vi gin, Pride K Maf. Then be it fo; yer Since: Love has wrack'd m on the long'd-for fhore Noe, but I h Hannibal's Owverthrop / h L'\ e Toj M t Gt 1 W 'I-Lt on 2 Bane. da Soul cou'd ftorms on Durft againft Rocks, or o e sick-fands {lee For Love, lf Fenus had lik Funo bid [durlt as muchas eve Alci es did But TamIolt; nothin 8» Maffina,; o ; With Love's each blaft, [ ike a Bull-ruth bo / Am 1 not alter'd miich of Ta e Maff. Alas £o You look like witherd F lowe s; ior Mountain Graf K. Maf. O Sophonisba, oh Mafl. Why figh€ my Lor Speak 10f4 Co 1 will reveng yo wit m Sword What cruel Vulture's this that tea s your breaft Like fefter'd wounds, it takes away our reft You will grow mad, ¥ think; you wa ah i ch And with your groans the crodkin :Ravens fright Who is it that thefe killing griefs has wr ught; That bends your brow; and turns youint K. Myf. My forrows load, alas! thou ca ft not bear Majf. ‘Think yéu my Soul is capable of fea What is it, for your fake, I cou'd not beir K. Maf. Maffina, thouart all that I wou'd have Lhere's nothing after thee, ‘but a low Grave PR inS Degu ll ‘| zmfle i {0 me Z:tpre:t eher Lican to Reg fo hopt eld a Thro bold hC‘ld u'j rlJEC Tt‘hf fifg-\L: Obdurate ftubborn heart, ftill wilt thou hol Obferve me, Boy, when thou fhalt fee me cold Grown by my death a longer line of Woe Pale as wrong'd Lovers Ghofts that figh below ;W Then learn to curfe the Author of my Fate i Maff. What horrid things are thefe, which you relate: K. 2. Thee from thy Childhood I'th' painful Difcipline of tedious War In Mountains bred thee, and on barre have train'd with care Sands, And led thee near the Sun, through high parch'd Larids Show'd thee to chace wild Boars upon the Heath And taught thy Infant Hands.the Trade of Death When I by ‘Bocear hotly was purfod L Andforcd to pli nen ch ou ilx Od |