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Show = M 5!"t TT ll'} TN""FT \.‘ e U r VA P'"t ' A l‘_ 'r>:4‘ i: 1 Sontdier's Fortune 3 R D d ! ‘J\\-‘uL Gt H‘;: ‘ p.. e dng DN:}C:} li"‘ Enter Lucrece in Man's Cloaths, and Chloris Lucr. FRom this gay minute farewell Love and Doating : I have (hook th lazy, ftretching, withing Folly out of my Blood, and now my wandring Heart is at home again, Let me fees I havea hundred and a hundre times wilh'd my felf a Man; and now, in ourward appearance, I am a ver Fellow 5 nay, a very pretty Fellow: for, methinks Foppery, Impertinence Sclf-conceit, and other Mafculine Qualities grow upon me ftrangely.-- Ok Mifchief, Mifchief, Mifchicf! thou artavery {weet Employment :- But Opportunity ! Bewitching, Lovely, Omnipotent Opportunity ! How fhall I com at thee ? Chloris '- Cbhloris. Madam Lucr. Give me my Sword Chlor. Here Madam: Blefs us, What will your Ladyfhip do with your fcI tn this Equipage s for Succou Lucr. Ladyfhip, Huzzy! take notice from this impoxtant Moment, I amn more your Miftrefs5 but-that Imperial Creature, your Mafter: and therefor know too, 1 will have my Feeminine Habiliments burnt inftantly, and an Operator {ent for to make me a Beard grow 1 willlearn to Ride, Fence, Vault and make Fortifications in Dirt-Pyes: Nay, if the humour hold, I'll go Volunticr into Germany agaioft the Turk Chlor. But what will be the end of all this, Madam Lucr. Why, if I go into the War, 1 fhall have the privilege, when I retur home, to talk of Marches, Battels and Sieges, which I never wasat, nor un derftand any more than the Fools I tell my fory to. If 1 flay at home, wit the privilege of good Cloaths, Pertnefs and much Simplicity, will I fet up fo a Spark, grow familiar at White-Hall, and impudent with fome great Ma there or another ;. run in Debt with a high Hand, be terrible in eating Houfes and noify all over the Town Chlor. A very hopeful Refolution Lucr. As thus: When l'and another Spark meet5 Dam me, Fack , fays I What Times are there ftirring? What ready to be had ? What Caravans hav you met with, or what Loofe lately managed ? You Rogue, you lock ver high upon the Huckle Chlor, Well Madam 5 But what will all this Gibberifh fignific Lucr. Signifie, you Fool ! why what it (ignifies already 5 Wit, Courage Martial Difcipline, Intereft at Court Pretenc to Preferment Free Quarter in my Lodgings, and Free Bdoty in every Cuckold's Shop, who fhall truft m againit his palpable knowledge, that ''m not worth a Groat 5 and nevex hav the Impudence to hope to be paid Chlor. And muft your Honour have a Miftrefs too L%‘:r |