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Show Sonldier's Fortyne 5 .fole together for half an hour; and I am fweetly fitted that's the truth on't Beang. This comes of your Whoring, Conrtiné's if y u had kept me companysand liv'd vertuoufly, none of this ha d happene to you now. But you muf be wandring : No reafonable iniquity w il ferve your turn Enter Lad Lady Hahaha! Well,l'll {wear, Captain Conrtine, you are th happieft Gen tleman'! Yonder's the fineft chopping Boy for you. Why ,it will be able to carr a Mulquet in your Company within this Fortnight And then, I am {o obliged to you for bringing the Lady tolyein at my Hou e, that if your Wife wil do me the honour, V1l take it for a favour to ftan for Godmother with- her Conrt. And, Madam, to return your Complement 1 with with all my hear you were pregnant with a Litter of nine fuch choppin Boys, upon conditio thatI were bound to be Godfather to the whole Kengel Confound you being witty, with a Plague to you [ Afide Beang. That's fomething courfe though, Friend, toa Lady tha 's {o civil t you Enter feveral Maids of the F amily, ene wit the Child 1. Muid. See Fenny, You's the Man ; that, that's the Fathe 2. Maid. T'll fwearit is a proper perfon 3. Maid. Oh Sir, Heavens blefs you,. you're the happief Man! Here is m young Malter, aslike you as if you had bor it your felf 1. Maid. What a pretty little Nofe it has 2. Maid. And juftits Father's Eyes for all the World 1, Maid. It would never grieve a Body to have a Child by f ch a handfo Gentleman Court. Ye Whores! ye Drabs ! ye fulfom, ftinking Whores! Clufter o Poxes on ye, nd no Hofpitals pity ye '- Confound ye, leave me Beaug. Fye uponit, Conrtines fye for hame : give fomet ing to the Nurle Man; that's but civil Enter Sylvia Sylv. A Baftard! Death, a Baftard ! Under my Nofe too! Where's the vil hateful Monfter Beang. Have patience, Lady Sylv. Falle, loathfom Traytor Court. Now my Joy's compleated Sylv. Let me come at him, let me go Court. Hold her faft, Friend, if thou loveft me Sylv. Thou Devil'- Thou treach'rous, faichlefs, perjur'd Weetch Husband! Look.in my Face Conrt. Well.- Sylv. Did 1 €'ex deferve this Degenerate Brute! Thou, only in Falthood, Man ; H i' Tho Vo R o E&iif‘*‘. |